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Kategorie System Utilities / Text- | Dokument-Editoren

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Scan Tool

Der kleine Helfer Scan Tool erzeug aus den Dokumenten in Ihrem Scanner PDF oder Bilddateien. Kleinere Korrekturen an den gescannten Dokumenten nehmen Sie direkt mit dem Scan Tool vor. Sie benötigen hierzu kein weiteres Programm. Mehr…

Advanced PDF to TEXT converter

PDF to TEXT converter effortlessly extract text information from your PDF files, preserving the original multi-column page layout. You can take advantage of the batch conversion utility to process several PDF files at once. The PDF to TEXT converter is a must have tool for document authors creating a lot of editable text based on existing PDF documents and citing other writings presented as PDF documents. Mehr…

Emsa HTML Tag Remover

Emsa HTML Tag Remover is a software utility that allows removing html tags from a html file with some extra degree of control on how the html is removed and whitespace removal as well. It provides several options to remove different types of data from the html page. It allows whitespace removal, making the resulting text output condensed as necessary. Finally, it works both in interactive mode, as well as in command line mode. Freeware. Mehr…

Unlock Pdf Owner Password

Have you lost your pdf document password and unable to allow printing, content copying or modifying? Don?t panic, try AWinware Pdf Security Remover tool to unlock protection of up 256 bit long encryption key. It quickly decrypts bulk pdf files even if they are secured with unknown owner password and generates a password free pdf. It is compatible to break 40 bit, 128 bit & 256 bit long encryption keys of any version of pdf document. Mehr…

Replace pages in pdf

AWinware pdf page replace tool lets user to replace pages from pdf document by swapping them between two pdf files. User can easily copy and paste another pdf pages into existing pdf at specified page index. Using pdf page replace, user just need to configure the pages like 5, 9, 12-35...etc in settings and start the process of replacement with selected pdf file. Tool replaces each corresponding page quickly between 2 pdf files. Mehr…

Pdf Blank Page Split Tool

AWinware Pdf Blank Page Splitter is Windows compatible desktop utility to break pdf pages by the position of blank page. Tool scans complete document and mark the blank page position. It also lets user to remove blank pages from pdf. Pdf blank page split provides option to add document using add files button as well as through folder browsing. User can choose subfolders too to import all files of sub directories. Mehr…