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Kategorie Audio & Multimedia / Multimedia Creation Tools

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Flash Decompiler Mac

With Flash Decompiler Mac it's very easy to convert SWF file back to its source format: Adobe Flash files are converted to FLA while SWF files made in Flex - back to Flex projects. Flash Decompiler Mac can convert SWF files into Adobe Flash CS5 file format (XML-based FLA). It also offers extraction of images, sounds, videos, texts, scripts, etc. from SWF to separate files on your hard drive. Mehr…

Direct MP3 Splitter and Joiner

Direct MP3 Splitter Joiner ist ein einfaches Tool, dass es Ihnen auch ohne Technikwissen erlaubt Sounddateien (MP3, wav) zu verbinden, splitten oder teils auch zu editieren, wie zB Dateien zu kьrzen oder Stille auszuschneiden. ID3 Tags und MP3 Dateien mit variabler Bitrate werden auch unterstьtzt. Das Programm hat eine automatische Funktion zum Erkennen von Pausen, was sich gut eignet, um aufgenommene Streaming Audiodateien in Songs zu teilen Mehr…

1st Autorun Express

Mit 1st AutoRun Express erstellen Sie, geführt von einem Assistenten, problemlos selbststartende CDs für Präsentationen u.ä. Mehr…

WAV Splitter

WAV Splitter is an easy-to-use tool for splitting large WAV file into smaller ones. With the build-in WAV player, you can pre-listen the WAV file, set start time and end time, split or cut any section of the WAV file you want. WAV Splittert also splits equal parts either by size or by time. Mehr…

MP3 Joiner

MP3 Joiner is an easy-to-use tool for joining several MP3 files into bigger MP3 format. MP3 Joiner is fast and robust without recompression. MP3 Joiner also supports to drag and drop files. Only the MP3 files which have same parameters can be joined with the MP3 Joiner. Mehr…

DVD PixPlay

DVD PixPlay allows you to create slide show disks from images, videos and music and write them directly to a CD or DVD for playback on your television using a DVD Player. DVD PixPlay makes it easy to share your images with your friends and family, particularly those who do not have a computer. And they are as easy to use as a normal DVD! Mehr…