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Kategorie Spiele & Unterhaltung / Puzzle & Denkspiele

Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source

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The goal of FindSame is to earn as many points as you can by removing paires of the similar tiles from the board. For earning points you need to select one tile and after that to select tile with similar picture. This pair will desappeare and you will earn some points. On game board will appeare new tiles. The game will be over, when all game cells on the board will be filled by tiles. Speed of appearence of tiles grows during the game. Mehr…


Clickris is arcade-style puzzle game for Windows.The goal of game is to get as much points as you can by removing stones from game field. You would click on groups of stones with the same picture, but not on isolated stones. If you click on such a group, the group vanishes and the stones on top of them fall down. There are new lines appeare, every some seconds. If any stone touch top of field, than game over. Mehr…


3DJongPuzzle is the mah jongg - like tile solitaire game for Windows. It is a fun tile matching. Its intuitive interface is very easy to learn, and you'll be playing within a few minutes. The goal of 3DJongPuzzle is to remove all of the tiles from the game board. Tiles can be removed only in pairs and must be free on their top side and on at least one side (right and left). There are many different layouts and tilesets for you plesure. Mehr…

Crazy Sumz

Crazy Sumz ist eine Sammlung von 4 Spielen, bei denen es immer um Summen oder Zahlen geht. Du drehst die Numble-Scheiben, um ihre Punkte anzugleichen, Du deckst die Pit-Ketten auf, Du vertauscht die Zahlen der Circum-Ringe oder Du versuchst dich an den Symacus-Symbole. Mehr…


The object of the game is to score as many points as possible by swapping adjacent gems to create sets, either horizontal or vertical, of 3 or more identical gems. Sets can be horizontal or vertical, and can contain more than 3 gems. When you have successfully created a set, they will disappear and new gems will fall into place. If you want move gem, just click on it and after click on place near. Mehr…

Crazy Slid

Crazy Slid ist eine Sammlung von 4 Logikpuzzles, die eines gemeinsam haben. Eine bestimmte Ordung soll durch Bewegen von Balken, Platten wieder hergestellt werden. Das Spiel wird im Wettlauf gegen die Zeit oder einfach nur zum Spass gespielt. Echtfarbgrafik, Klangeffekte, Animationen und mehrerer Schwierigkeitsgrade machen die Puzzles immer wieder zu einer Herausforderung fuer Jung und Alt. Mehr…