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Kategorie System Utilities / Datei- & HDD-Management (Filter: Shareware)

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Office DocumentsRescue Professional

Stellt gelöschte Dokumente von den Festplatten, CompactFlash (I/II), IBM MicroDrive, SmartMedia, MutimediaCard (MMCs), SecureDigital (SD), MemoryStick Karten, CD/DVD disks u.a. Speichereinrichtungen wieder her. Der eigenartige Algorithmus des Programms erkennt und stellt viele Formate wieder her, wie z.B. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, Visio e.t.c. Mehr…

FileRescue Professional

FileRescue Pro is an easy to use, but powerful software utility designed to restore accidentally deleted files and folders. It allows you to recover files that have been removed from the Recycle Bin, as well as those deleted by-passing the Recycle Bin (e.g. Shift-Delete). It will also recover files deleted by virus or Trojan attacks, unexpected system shutdown and software faults. 100% FREE to try. Mehr…


Mit FiTiTo wird das Ändern von Dateidatum und Zeit zum Kinderspiel. Die Explorer-Oberfläche sorgt für eine bequeme Dateiauswahl. Dateidatum und Zeit setzen. Dateidatum und Zeit korrigieren (Timeshift). Auswahl welche der drei Zeitstempel geändert werden sollen (Änderungsdatum, Erstelldatum oder Letzter Zugriff). Mehr…

Recover My Files Data Recovery Software

Recover My Files is data recovery software to get back deleted files and formatted, corrupt, unallocated, RAW or missing hard drives. Simple to use, Recover My Files has powerful features that make recovering data a straight forwared task. Download and try Recover My Files free to preivew the files that can be recovered from your drive. Mehr…

Batch File Split & Join Free

Split and merge multiple text or binary files in either character, line, or byte modes. When splitting files, you can split on certain text or binary separator; target given number of parts; or target specific part size. In all cases you can select operational unit to be either line or character for text files and byte for data/binary files. Files can be joined in specific order on a line-to-line, char-to-char, or byte-to-byte level. Mehr…

DiskInternals Boot CD

DiskInternals Boot CD lets you boot into fully operational Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server or Vista, complete with the GUI and service applications. To create your bootable Windows CD, download install DiskInternals Boot CD and run the Wizard. The Wizard will prompt you for a CD or DVD that contains Windows XP nr 2003 setup files, and make a new bootable CD that can run Windows from an optical disk without installation. Mehr…