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Kategorie System Utilities / Backup & Wiederherstellung (Filter: Adware)

ABC Backup

This backup program allows you to copy upload, download data automatically on schedule from your PC to various storages - network disks, remote FTP servers, etc. The program can either mirror your data "as is" or create archived files or directories for copying. The user can customize the method of naming backup files adding, for example, the date of archiving to file names. The program uses the zip algorithm to archive data. Mehr…


Try this fully automatic backup software which only requires you to create a backup job and specify when to execute it. The program can be configured to run backup jobs on startup or at given time. AWbackup supports a built-in zip compression as well as external zip and rar compressors. The program is natively multi-lingual and supports the growing number of languages. We guarantee you will never need worry for your data anymore! Mehr…

TK8 Backup

Backup files and folders, as well as Address Book, Favorites, Outlook, Outlook Express emails and settings, etc. Upload backups to remote FTP servers, save to hard disk, CD, DVD or to other media. Flexible scheduling and unique folder monitoring option ensures you always have the latest version of your data. Additional features for advanced users like ZIP compression, networking support, filters, logging, encrypting, self-extracting backups etc. Mehr…

GetDataBack Data Recovery for NTFS

GetDataBack is a highly advanced data recovery software, which will help you to get your data back when your drive, partition table, boot record, Master File Table or root directory is corrupt or lost, when a virus has hit the drive, files were deleted, the drive was formatted or struck by a power failure. GetDataBack can also be run from a Bart PE boot CD-ROM, or from a Linux Runtime Live CD. Mehr…

GetDataBack Data Recovery for FAT

GetDataBack is a highly advanced data recovery software, which will help you to get your data back when your drive, partition table, boot record, FAT or root directory is corrupt or lost, when a virus has hit the drive, files were deleted, the drive was formatted or struck by a power failure. GetDataBack can also be run from a boot disk and supports Unicode characters. Mehr…


Wir haben BackUpTime gerade aus diesem Grund - Sie mit einer Weise zu versehen, Ihre wichtigsten Daten sicher zu speichern verursacht. He, wenn Sie um Computer arbeiten, können Sie, häufig Überraschungen geschehen. Und selbst wenn Computer adaequatIST gut dann kann unser Gedächtnis uns verlassen. Vor können Sie leicht sich erinnern, an wohin Sie irgendein Protokoll ein Jahr und einer Hälfte setzten? Vermutlich nicht. Mehr…