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Kategorie Spiele & Unterhaltung / Puzzle & Denkspiele (Filter: Shareware)

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The goal of 2 Mushrooms is to find all mushrooms with maximum points. You points are decriased after any click on not discovered field. The game field is divided into cells. A cell can contain more than one mushroom and you find only one mushroom by clicking on such cell, so you have to click on cell to find next mushroom in the same cell. You can choose number of mushrooms on the field. You can select any cell by clicking on left mouse button. Mehr…

Crazy Tetris

Der verrückte Tetris ist eine ungewöhnliche Version des unsterblichen Tetris, in dem Spielblöcke nicht nur Rechtecke, sondern auch Dreiecke sind. Es gibt 6 ganz unterschiedliche Abarten des Spieles: Einfach, Klassisch, Pentix, Triangularis, Verrückt und Mutatix. Das Ziel des Spieles ist, Ihre Punkte durch die Anordnung der fallenden Recht- oder Dreiecke in einer Linie zu vermehren. Mehr…

Logical Stones 2004

An OpenGL puzzling logic game for people who like revelations The aim of the game is to push all the stones to the level's exit points as fast as You can. The level is won if You take all the stones to the exit points. - There are five differently colored stones: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow and Crystal. - All stones can be pushed - You can push one more stone With the RED stone - The GREEN stone can be lifted (Carry key) - The YELLOW stone Mehr…


ClickPuzzle is a fun arcade-style puzzle game for Windows, it is suitable for all ages. You will spend much time with this game because it is easy and mind free game. The goal of ClickPuzzle is to earn points by removing tiles from the game board. Tiles can be removed only in groups of identical pictures. Game field will be packed after removing tiles. Game is over if all groups removed. Mehr…


The object of the game is to score as many points as possible by swapping adjacent gems to create sets, either horizontal or vertical, of 3 or more identical gems. Sets can be horizontal or vertical, and can contain more than 3 gems. When you have successfully created a set, they will disappear and new gems will fall into place. If you want move gem, just click on it and after click on place near. Mehr…

Crazy Rotary

Crazy Rotary ist eine Sammlung von Raetsel, die eines gemeinsam haben. Eine bestimmte Ordung soll durch Drehen von Scheiben, Ringen, Tellern wieder hergestellt werden. Das Spiel wird im Wettlauf gegen die Zeit oder einfach nur zum Spass gespielt. Echtfarbgrafik, Klangeffekte, Animationen und mehrerer Schwierigkeitsgrade machen die Puzzles immer wieder zu einer Herausforderung fuer Jung und Alt. Mehr…