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Kategorie Spiele & Unterhaltung / Puzzle & Denkspiele (Filter: Shareware)

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Exotic Minesweeper

Exotic Minesweeper is eine Verbesserung des berühmten Minesweeper Spiels. Es gibt nun viele verschiedene Boardvariationen mit unterschiedlich geformten Zellen z.B. sechseckig, achteckig, viereckig (klassisch), dreieckig und andere. Zusätzliche Features: Soundeffekte, Einstellbare Farben und Zellgrößen, Hochauflösender Timer für die Bestzeiten, Statistiken, High Score Tabellen und vieles mehr. Mehr…

Frozen Fruits 2

Frozen Fruits 1 is one the most original free games available on the net. Here comes the 2nd part with 35 new levels which were created by fans of the game. Mehr…

Mega Fifteen

Mega Feefteen is a sliding square puzzle, a superset if the Feefteen Puzzle, One of the World's Best Known Puzzles. It consists of 9, 15, 24, and 35 numbered squares that are placed in a 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, and 6x6 leaving one position empty. The goal is to reposition the squares from a given arbitrary starting arrangement by sliding them one at a time into the ordered configuration Mehr…


Overload is a turn-based logic game about setting off chains of explosions to capture all the opponents pieces. It can be played single-player against an excellent computer AI, or between two human players using either the hotseat method or network play. Difficulty goes up during each game of a series, and is implemented by varying the rules on each level. Mehr…


Greetings, traveller, and welcome to Smileyville! Do you know smileys? Well, Smileyville is where they all live. Smileys love company, but they also like to be unique. They simply can't stand it when another smiley looks or dresses like them! Smileys can only be happy when their friends are completely different! Journey through the neighborhoods of Smileyville and help the smileys by finding each one its perfect friend! Mehr…

Crazy Objects

Crazy Objects ist ein logisches Denkspiel fuer eine Person. Auf einer 8x8 Felder grossen Spielflaeche muessen verschiedene Objekte durch ihr Gegenstueck ausgeloescht werden. Das funktioniert aber nur, wenn sich in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft kein gleichartiges Objekt befindet. Mehr…