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Kategorie Spiele & Unterhaltung / Arcade

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Chicken Invaders 4 Thanksgiving

The turkeys revolted three years ago. Not coincidentally, that was the same year mankind last had Thanksgiving dinner. They had outside help. Intergalactic turkeys flocked to the aid of their earthly brethren. They were intelligent, organized, technologically advanced. And they were merciless. It's now time for you to fight for our ancestral right to turkey roast. Will mankind ever have Thanksgiving dinner again? Mehr…

Earl Biohazard and the Dilettantish Disconnecters

Earl Biohazard hat genug von den Typen, die ständig seine Verbindung abbrechen. Nun macht er sich auf den Weg, ihnen ein für alle Mal den Garaus zu machen. Ohne Eure Hilfe ist er in diesem Jump´n´Run - Spiel hoffnungslos verloren. Handgepixelte Levels ohne das übliche Blockdesign sowie den passenden Sound dazu runden das ganze ab. Ab 16 MB und DirectX 5 oder besser kann es sofort losgehen. Mehr…

Chicken Invaders 4 Easter

They came without warning, squawking menacingly, their ruffled feathers darkening the sun. Invading intergalactic chickens, out to punish humanity for our oppression of their earthly brethren. I instantly knew what had to be done. I dropped my half-eaten chicken burger and jumped in my cockpit. With a greasy finger I set my lasers to "extra crispy" and blasted off to intercept the fowl invaders. But my greatest adventure was yet to come... Mehr…

Chicken Invaders

Save the earth from invading chickens! Sometime in the near future, earth is invaded by chickens from another galaxy, bent on revenge against the human race for oppressing earth chickens! Take the world's fate in your hands (or at least have an omelette) in this modern rendition of the 80's classic. Advance through waves of invading chickens, avoiding falling eggs and collecting power-ups to boost your spaceship's firepower. One or two players. Mehr…

Island Wars

Deep in the South Pacific, two islands are locked in deadly combat for supreme control of... well... their palm trees. Join in the battle! Hop in your biplane to bomb the enemy trees while using your cannon to protect your own, or engage in aerial dogfights to shoot down your opponent's airplane. Easy to pick up, clean gameplay, immensely fun. 1 or 2 players. Mehr…


A crisis is brewing in Fruitopolis! The new year's produce of fruits and vegetables is ready, but it now needs to be distributed to local grocery stores as quickly as possible! Thousands of fresh and juicy apples, pears, and grapes could spoil if they aren't transported in time! Trains will be passing through every town, headed for Fruitopolis Central. Fill them to the brim with fruits and vegetables for your friendly neighbourhood grocer! Mehr…