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Kategorie Sicherheit & Datenschutz / Verschlüsselungs-Tools

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DRIVECRYPT schützt auf einfache Weise und zu jeder Zeit alle geheimen Daten auf Notebook und Desktop- Computer, ohne dass sich der Benutzer Gedanken um die Sicherheit machen muss. Jede Organisation, vom kleinen Betrieb bis hin zum Weltkonzern mit tausenden von Benutzern, kann Ihre Geschäftspläne, Kundenlisten, Produktspezifikationen, geheime Geschäftsabkommen, Wertpapierinformationen und andere geheime Daten, mit DriveCrypt effektiv verschlüsseln. Mehr…

CryptoExpert 8

CryptoExpert gebraucht sofortiges Verschlüsselungs-System um Daten zu verschlüsseln und zu entschlüsseln.CryptoExpert System mount eine Volume-Datei um "virtuelle Festplatte”, die den Applikationen und Benutzern wie jede andere echte Festplatte zu sein scheint, herzustellen. Mehr…


SafeKuvert provides the user with the ability to encrypt, digitally sign, compress, and/or securely delete files from the hard disk. It uses the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) built into Windows, standard X-509 certificates from any source including Active Directory, and support for AES, 3DES, DES, RC2, RC4 symmetrical encryption algorithms. The resulting encoded files are standard PKCS#7 messages saved in files with a ".pkcs7" extension. Mehr…


Crypt4Free (freeware) is files encryption software with ability to encrypt files and text messages. Support for ZIP files and ability to secure delete sensitive files. Skinnable user friendly interface.The latest version includes "Privacy Master" tool to erase all personal traces on computer. Mehr…

DriveCrypt Plus Pack

DriveCrypt Plus Pack (DCPP) is a Full disk encryption software which partially or fully encrypts your hard disk including the operating system, allowing pre-boot authentication. The User enters a password on computer start up, before the operating system boots up. DCPP is the fastest and most feature-rich real-time encryption system available. DCPP is the only software on the market able to hide the entire operating system inside another one. Mehr…


Insider creates compressed archives and works with these files while the archives themselves are not evident on the user’s computer. They are strongly encrypted and hidden inside image files (containers). The encoding program is also hidden inside another neutral program. As a result your computer has neither secret files nor obvious programs for encrypting information or secrets. These hidden archives are processed as easily as any other file. Mehr…