Kategorie Sicherheit & Datenschutz / Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools
Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source
AntispamSniper for Outlook Express
Version: | Shareware (19,95 USD)
This is an antispam and antiphishing plug-in for Outlook Express. The unique combination of several methods for automatic email classification shows excellent filtering quality for all kinds of spam, including graphical spam with random text. The plug-in has a built-in option which allows spam deletion from the server by headers. Mehr…
RegRun Security Suite Gold
Version: 6.7 | Shareware (49,95 USD)
RegRun Suite is a complete computer security software. RegRun Platinum includes 24 system utilities for protecting a computer against Rootkits/Trojans/Adware/Spyware components, increase Windows boot-up process speed, help in computer management. RegRun Suite is compatible with all known antiviral software and and may be used to improve security. RegRun works with all Microsoft Windows platforms: Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/VISTA. Mehr…
Anti-Spy.Info adware remover
Version: 1.8 | Shareware (29,00 EUR)
Anti-Spy.Info spürt Spyware, Trojanern, Keylogger und Adware auf und entfernt diese von Ihrem PC. Als Prozess Viewer findet Anti-Spy.Info auch Software, die sich im Task-Manager verstecken. Anti-Spy.Info findet auch unbekannte, neue Spyware und ist damit den bisher bekannten Datenbank-basierten Antispion-Programmen überlegen. So erkennt Anti-Spy.Info alle Prozesse, die Tastatureingaben aufzeichnen oder sich als virtuelle Treiber verstecken. Mehr…
Ella for Spam Control
Version: | Shareware (29,95 USD)
Ella for Spam Control is the first Smart Inbox Assistant which learns-by-example how to read, sort, and organize the Outlook or Outlook Express Inbox. By using a Wizard and integrated training toolbar, users simply provide a few examples of messages to keep in their Inbox, and examples of lower-priority messages to move to review folders, e.g. "Newsletters" and "Spam". Mehr…
DeSofto SpamFilter
Version: 5.3 | Shareware (14,95 EUR)
Save your traffic and time. DeSofto SpamFilter automatically kills most Spam immediately at the server without downloading and blocks the rest of Spam for manually checking. An unique neuro-algorithm has been used in SpamFilter product to detecting legitimate mail messages and Spam messages, the technique has more precision thans other filter-based and keyword-based anti-spam technologies. https://spamfilter.desofto.com/ Mehr…
SPAMfighter Exchange Module
Version: | Shareware (105,00 EUR)
SPAMfighter Exchange module (SEM) is flexible and easy-to-use anti-spam/anti virus solution for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003/2007/2010/2013 or Microsoft Small Business server. SEM will fight both ingoing, outgoing and internal spam. SEM also includes a handy diagnostics feature and disclaimers. Mehr…
Evidence Exterminator
Version: 2.767 | Shareware (59,00 USD)
Beweis Exterminator säubert alle PC-Verbrauchgeschichteninformationen. Säubern Sie herauf Ihre Plätzchen, Geschichte, temporäre Internet-Akten, Pufferspeicher der Datenbanksuchroutine, bereiten Sie Sortierfach, neue Dokumente, auf und säubern Sie auch alle temporären Akten nach links durch Ihr System. Mehr…
Email Sentinel Pro Email AntiVirus
Version: 2.7.8 | Shareware (14,95 USD)
Stop and quarantine any incoming email which contain email viruses, worms or exploit scripts... intercept emails before they reach your Inbox email folders... reduce the infection risk to zero... suspect attachments are password protected... choose which attachment types to block and which to allow... easily create safe senders list. Mehr…
Evidence Destructor
Version: 2.71 | Shareware (59,00 USD)
When you are using your computer for day to day activities, it collects all sorts of information about where you go on the internet, which sites you visit. Details on forms you fill up. All other programs are storing information about the recent documents and files you opened and so on. This information represents danger to you if it is discovered by your family or your boss at work. To protect yourself, use Evidence Destructor. Mehr…
Ella for Spam FREE
Version: | Freeware
Ella for Spam FREE is the first Smart Inbox Assistant which learns-by-example how to read, sort, and organize the Outlook Inbox. A Wizard and integrated training toolbar provides users with a way to train Ella which messages to keep in their Inbox, and examples of lower-priority messages to move to review folders, e.g. Newsletters & Spam.
No promo signature for the first 10 days - allows user to see how the PRO version behaves. Mehr…
Cactus Spam Filter
Version: 3.01 | Freeware
Cactus Spam Filter is a free easy-to-use spam blocker. It protects your inbox by learning to detect spam as it's being used. After a short while it has adapted to your personal mailbox and blocks out most of the junk e-mail. This spam stopper integrates seamlessly with all e-mail clients that use POP3 such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla, Eudora, IncrediMail, Pegasus Mail, Foxmail and Phoenix Mail. Mehr…
Version: 2.2 | Freeware
Mit SuperSpamKiller entfernen Sie lästige Spam-Mails (Werbemails), mit Viren, Würmern und Dialern versehene E-Mails aus Ihren Mail-Postfächern bevor Sie Ihre E-Mails vom Server abholen. SuperSpamKiller prüft in regelmäßigen Abständen Ihre Postfächer, weißt Sie auf den Eingang neuer Nachrichten hin, kann eine SMS bei neuen E-Mails versenden und kann automatisch Spam-Mails anhand des Betreffs der E-Mail oder E-Mail-Header-Feldern löschen. Mehr…