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Kategorie Netzwerk & Internet / File Sharing | Peer to Peer (Filter: Open Source)

P2P Share Spy

Scan the internet for computers with shared files! Browse/download files from remote computers all over the world! Can handle any file type: MP3, MPG, AVI, DIVX, JPG, Etc! Mehr…

Web file manager for educational and Active Directory users

HTTP Commander is a web file manager that is really popular among a lot of educational organisations. This solution allows students and teachers to access their files remotely using only a web browser or a smartphone. The application can be installed on the Windows server easily and the access to existing folders of the network of an educational organization (general or private folders) for the Active Directory users is provided. Mehr…

LimeWire Music

Limewire Music is one of the easiest to use p2p downloading programs on the Web. Just type into the search box the title of the file you want (artist name, song, album etc) and it will display search results in a blink, enabling staggering speeds while downloading files as well. The app allows multiple simultaneous downloads, advanced searching option, easy tab navigation, Bittorent support, built-in chat and many other great features. Mehr…

Ares Vista

Ares ist ein Ebenbürtiger, Dateienteilenprogramm zu gucken, das Verbrauchern erlaubt, irgendeine digitale Datei einschließlich Bildnisse zu teilen, Ton, Video, Software, Dokumente usw. Sie dürfen jetzt leicht Ihre Dateien durch den Ares haben dezentralisiert Netz herausgeben. Als können ein Mitglied von der tatsächlichen Gemeinschaft, Sie suchen und können so ziemlich irgendeine Datei laden, die von anderen Verbrauchern geteilt wird. Mit Ares... Mehr…

MP3 eDonkey Search

MP3 eDonkey Search is a FREE software to effectively find and share MP3 and other different file types over ED2K, Source Exchange and Kad P2P networks. It has many great features like search using local and global servers, web based search over Jigle and Filedonkey, search over Kad network, automatically performs error checking and autocorrection while downloading files, supports file preview, has buit-in IRC client and multilingual support. Mehr…