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Kategorie Lernen / Wissenschaft (Filter: Evaluation)

Makhaon Videograbber

Takes medical images from non-standard medical devices and transforms them into DICOM-standard ones to better facilitate their transfer to the other DICOM-devices; and, provides their integrated view and analysis. Can dicomize bmp, jpg and pdf files. Mehr…

Makhaon Workstation

It improves the diagnostic capabilities of the existing medical equipment and increases their capacity, creating additional working storage areas for doctors dealing with this equipment; it better facilitates instances of remote consulting regarding the medical information stored; and, makes it possible to compare the recent studies and medical advances with previous studies or with a study obtained from the other modality. Mehr…

Snake Eye Vision

Snake Eye Vision. Version 1.0. Some animals, like for example many species of snakes, have poor eyesight, however their eyes are still best at detecting movement. Snakes have been known to glide past creatures that remain motionless. The program simulates vision of the snake eye and demonstrates why the snake is unable to see you when you have stopped moving. The program requires video capture device (e.g. web camera). Mehr…

Clean the Window!

Interact with your computer using no mouse and no keyboard by simple hand waving in the air before the camera. The goal of the game is to clean the ice from the window before the window freezes back. The game is perfect for children of small age, who still don't have skills how to use keyboard or the mouse. Improves physical coordination and provides a lot of fun. The program requires video capture device (e.g. web camera). Mehr…


PhysProf ist ein Physikprogramm und stellt 70 Unterprogramme, u.a. zu Fachthemengebieten aus den Bereichen Mechanik, Elektrotechnik, Optik und Thermodynamik zur Verf Mehr…

Electronics and Mechanics

Over 1000 highly interactive science and engineering topics, use with any existing textbook, insert your own values and explore their effects, shows calculations, plots graphs, full colour graphics redrawn to scale for every change, explanatory text, step through topics, even makes revision enjoyable. Plus full colour printing showing your own chosen values, copy and paste to make custom teacher handouts or students course work, modify or add. Mehr…