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novaPDF Standard

novaPDF Std allows you to create PDF files from any printable document, including emails, MS Office documents, web pages, text. It works as a printer driver and you can print from any Windows application that supports printing - just set novaPDF Std as the default printer and the document will be converted and saved as PDF file. Features include: customizable resolution, embed fonts, text/image compression, private profiles and much more. Mehr…

Multipage TIFF Viewer

TIF-, PDF-, EPS-, PS-, AI-, FAX-, DCX-Viewer. Ermöglicht das Anzeigen, Scannen und Drucken von mehrseitigen Dateien. TIFF Viewer kann Rauschen entfernen, Bilder geraderichten, Farben anpassen und Ränder hinzufügen. Mehr…

Business Cards Maker Software

Do you have any problem to design card? Company Business Barcodes recommends Business Cards Maker Software to design and print simple corporate Staff card in several shapes object like ellipse, rounded, etc. Mehr…

Greetings Card Maker Software

Professional Greetings Card Maker Software downloaded from business barcodes is helpful for making attractive and beautiful birthday cards with options to add images in background to make it a memorable present. Mehr…

Badges Designing Software

Visit website to download Badges Designing Software for designing attractive own style security ID card in ellipses , rounded rectangle shapes and color without any problem. Mehr…

Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke

Pop-up Excel Calendar is a date picker for Microsoft Excel. It is seamlessly integrated with Excel and pops up a calendar when you activate a date cell. You pick or select a date from the calendar that pops up, instead of typing the date value manually, thus saving time and avoiding format mistake. The calendar can be activated in various ways, such as the value or format of the cell, or the label or value of the above cell. All are configurable. Mehr…