Category Network & Internet / Other
Download Speed Test
Version: 1.0.29 | Freeware
You want to know how fast your internet connection is? You want to check the performance of a server? With this free download speed test it is very easy to measure the speed of your internet connection. As you may use any download link for testing you can also check the performance of a specific remote server. More…
DEKSI Network Suite
Version: 13.7 | Shareware (USD 4,290.00)
DEKSI Network Suite is a set of award winning network software tools for network mapping, network monitoring, bandwidth monitoring, and pc hardware and software inventory. Windows 9X, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server, 2008 Server, 2012 Server, VISTA, and Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 compatible. Both 32 and 64 Bit compatible. More…
Lucky Downloads search
Version: 1.1 | Freeware
Lucky Downloads search is a free utitity that enables you to find thousands of downloads in Internet. The program resides in your system tray and waits until you click the icon. After that you enter a search query and get results from Lucky Downloads web site. More…
RSSOwl - Powerful RSS / RDF / Atom News Feed Reader
Version: 2.2.1 | Freeware
RSSOwl is a free RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader in Java using SWT as fast graphic library. Supported OS are Windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris. Some features are powerful searches, embedded browser, tray notifications, clean-up wizard and user customization. RSSOwl requires no installation, simply start it with a doubleclick and find a huge list of sample feeds already provided. You can also easily import existing feeds from other readers into RSSOwl. More…
PreisHai - Der Schnäppchenjäger für eBay
Version: 4.3.3 | Freeware
PreisHai ist ein Tool speziell zur Schnäppchensuche auf eBay. Der Knüller ist die integrierte Tippfehlersuche! Hiermit sucht PreisHai gezielt nach Angeboten, die vom Verkäufer falsch geschrieben wurden. Die ausgefeilten Suchfunktionen von PreisHai bieten größtmögliche Flexibilität bei einfachster Bedienung. Über die intuitiv gestaltete Oberfläche finden Sie schneller die richtigen Angebote, als mit einem herkömmlichen Browser. More…
Fomine NetSend
Version: 1.4 | Freeware
Fomine NetSend is a package that contains two utility tools.
This first tool NetSend.exe is a console application with a parameter set similar to NET SEND (distributed with Microsoft Windows NT/2002/XP). But unlike NET SEND, this application works with all Windows versions.
The second utility tool NetSendGUI.exe has a simple and user-friendly visual interface. More…
SliQ Submitter
Version: | Freeware
Free directory submission software. Enter your website details and begin submitting to hundreds of directories. SliQ Submitter supports multiple titles, descriptions and categories. Boost your backlinks by making directory submissions More…
Version: 5.3 | Freeware
BayHunter ist die leistungsfähige Software zur schnellen und komfortablen Suche bei eBay. Dank seiner bedientechnisch optimierten Oberfläche und Nutzung der hochperformanten eBay-API erlaubt der BayHunter eine blitzschnelle Suche nach eBay-Auktionen mit anschließend übersichtlicher Darstellung der Suchergebnisse in Tabellenform. Suchen bei eBay ist somit um ein Vielfaches schneller und vielseitiger als im Browser. Inkl. Tippfehlersuche. More…
Internet Cafe Software
Version: | Shareware (USD 49.00)
Antamedia Internet Cafe controls, secures, and enhances the running of your Internet cafe, gaming center, library, school or hotel public computers. The software restricts access to the system, desktop, drivers, folders and programs, helps you bill your customers for limited browsing, playing games, using Office applications, WiFi HotSpot usage, VOIP calling, printing, point of sale products. More…
Total Software Deployment
Version: 3.2.1 | Shareware (USD 90.00)
Managed software deployment for corporate networks. Total Software Deployment makes deploying software on any number of computers a blast. Software inventory management, automatic network scanning, and concurrent deployment of multiple types of installation packages make TSD a clear winner among remote deployment tools. Unlike competition, this tool supports advanced concurrent deployment, allowing to install multiple packages on multiple PCs. More…
Version: 1.0 | Freeware
Mit dem Wake-On-LAN-Tool koennen Sie das Netzwerk nach allen Geraeten einscannen. Zu den eingescannten Objekten koennen Sie zusaetzliche Informationen eintragen. Per Rechtsklick koennen Sie einzelne oder mehrere Geraete mit dem Wake on LAN Signal remote einschalten lassen. More…
Extreme URL Generator
Version: 1.4 | Shareware (USD 14.95)
Extreme URL Generator is an easy way to generate and save a list of similar URLs. It provides clean and intuitive user interface that lets you generate hundreds and thousands of URLs with just a few mouse clicks. After the URL list is generated you can save it into a text file or copy it into the Windows clipboard with another mouse click. More…