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Sammeln Sie mit clicango die Adressen Ihrer Lieblingsseiten unabhängig von Ihrem Browser und speichern Sie diese komfortable in einer einzigen Datei im XML-Format. Binden Sie Ihre Bookmarks einheitlich als Startseite in alle Ihre Browser ein. Versenden Sie Sammlungen zu bestimmten Themen als eMail-Anhang oder kopieren Sie diese als Sicherungskopie auf Diskette. Import vorhandener Bookmarks aus Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera und AOL. More…


HTTP-Webserver für privates Homepage-Hosting oder Bereitstellung großer Dateien. Passwort-geschützte Verzeichnisse möglich, Directory-Listing (Index-Service), partielle Downloads, Dateien bis 2 GB, HTTP-Header-View, Ermittlung der eigenen IP (Weitergabe als Link an Freunde), Chat-Funktion, Webcam-Funktion, schnelle Engine, einfache Bedienung sogar für Einsteiger geeignet, Tray-Icon, Resourcen-schonend. Läuft ohne Installation in jedem Verzeichnis. More…


SchnapperPlus was designed for extremely easy usage and is a sniper for eBay auctions. Easily started by a simple click on a button integrated in your Internet Explorer, it automatically saves the data of the auction displayed. Just enter your eBay username and password at the first run, type in the highest bid you want to place and that's it. SchnapperPlus will bid for you right in time. More…

cFos/Win Professional

cFos, Dial-Up & Acceleration with Traffic Shaping. Maximum Download & Minimum Ping. For DSL, ISDN, Cable, Modem, Mobile, Filesharing (P2P), Online Games, VoIP, Streaming Media and Tuning // More features: Free configurable Prioritization - self-calibrating - Layer-7 Analysis - Firewall - optimal Dial-Up connections - WLAN - MTU-Optimization - Online Counter / Budgets, Version for Vista, XP, Win2k, NT, 9x, ME, OS/2, DOS More…

Extra Dialer Pro

Extra Dialer Pro is a powerful program designed for forwarding one voice message to large group of people. The program lets you record your voice message and store it on your PC until it is transmitted. After transmitting your voice message, it can optionaly record a reply from the recipient. Program may be configured to dial at specific time and day of week. Program can be run when windows runs. More…

Onlineeye Pro

Onlineeye optimizes PC Internet performance. The real-time Graphic Analyzer separately measures download and upload speed/time. A zoomable and printable graph shows 24 hours of speed history, allowing you to see what Internet activity took place when you were away from the computer. The active taskbar icon graphs the current speed. The networkmonitor shows every internetactivity of your DSL connection and let you unmask all spys ! More…