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Category Network & Internet / Other (Filter: Demo)

Download Analyzer

Web log analysis software specialized in the analysis of download traffic (audio, video, and graphics files, and software distribution kits). It creates special interactive reports on downloads, referals, used search phrases and individual search words. The large range of filters and interactive reports allows for relevant qualitative analyses of a site for the purpose of optimizing the site for search engines. More…

cFos XP/2000/2003 Server/NT Professional

cFos, Dial-Up & Acceleration with Traffic Shaping. bandwidth management. Maximum Download & Minimum Ping. For DSL, ISDN, Cable, Modem, Mobile, Filesharing (P2P), Online Games, VoIP, Streaming Media and Tuning. More features: Free configurable Prioritization - self-calibrating - Layer-7 Analysis - Firewall - optimal Dial-Up connections - WLAN - MTU-Optimization - Online Counter / Budgets, Version for XP, Win2k, NT, 9x, ME, OS/2, DOS More…

Network Chat

Network Chat 2.6 is a simple chat program for local area newtorks. It supports up to 8 users, has a list of all current users, emotion buttons, user defined colors and many other functions. English and German language file included. More…

Picture of the Day

Do you have a favorite "Picture of the Day" site, such as the many "Cartoon of the Day" or "Babe of the Day" sites? With POTD you can bring those images to your own desktop automatically. At the schedule you set and from the sites that you specify, POTD will collect the images and display them as your desktop wallpaper. A long list of sites are provided as well as the ability to display them as a screen saver. More…


LinkDesktop verwaltet Ihre Website-Links (Favoriten) und ermöglicht, die verwalteten Links in bestimmten Zeitabständen automatisch auf Änderungen zu überprüfen. Statten Sie Ihre Favoriten mit ausführlichen Beschreibungen aus und weisen Sie Ihre Links verschiedenen Kategorien zu. LinkDesktop ermöglicht den Import bereits existierender Favoriten, z.B. aus Microsoft® Internet Explorer®. More…

My Flat Red Cart

Alles schnell und direkt bei finden. 'My Flat Red Cart' bietet zielsicher Zugriff auf über 11.000 Kategorien von Es gibt eine Linksammlung zu vielen Extras, wie Geschenke finden, Game-Charts und TV-Serien. Suchergebnisse lassen sich bequem und übersichtlich in einer Datenbank-Tabelle verwalten. Von der elektrischen Zahnbürste bis zur Schraube, vom Gartengrill bis zum Sektglas findet man fast alles bei im Angebot. More…