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Category Network & Internet / Network Monitoring

Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source

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Network Asset Tracker

Network Asset Tracker generates a network inventory without installing software on the users' PCs. Get complete information about operating systems, service packs, hotfixes, hardware, software and running processes on remote PCs fast. Create reports about hardware, software and running processes on all computers on your local network. More…

UserMonitor for Classroom or ComputerLab

Ideal for teachers, instructors or administrators. UserMonitor is brilliant for the lesson as well as trainings at the computer! Instructors can transfer their display screen to all pupil computers screens or blank student screens to demonstrate something. UserMonitor shows you what other network computer users see on their display screen (screen, program list) and detect unauthorized software. Write messages or close unwanted programs. More…

Advanced Administrative Tools

Advanced Administrative Tools investigates and gathers information about your computer, network status, and service availability. That is a layman's way of saying it performs an inspection on everything vital to network security as it pertains to the protection of your computer, including the utilization of tools to check open ports, proxies, email lists, Internet applications, and general system information. More…

Traffic Counter

Traffic Counter is an easy-to-use tool to display and count network traffic of your computer. If you have limited monthly Internet traffic and always run P2P software such as BitTorrent, you may be in risk to be fined by your ISP because of your huge traffic consuming. Traffic Counter reports daily and monthly traffic. It allows you to set monthly traffic limit, alerts you when the amount of the traffic is used. More…

Network Inventory Expert

Network Inventory Expert allows you to create a network inventory without installation of software on the users' PCs. This program allows you to get quick and complete information about operational systems, service packs, hotfixes, hardware, installed software and running processes on remote PCs. Also you can create reports about hardware, installed software and running processes on the computers in your local network. More…


TrafficMonitor zeichnet die Datenmenge von Internetverbindungen (DFÜ-Netzwerk, LAN, ADSL, VDSL, Kabelmodem, Router) auf. Während einer Verbindung zeigt es den Verlauf der Datenübertragung grafisch an und kann Sie bei Überschreitung eines Datenlimits warnen oder die Verbindung blockieren bzw. die Kosten bei Überschreitung des Limits berechnen. Eine Vielzahl von übersichtlichen Reports gibt Ihnen Auskunft über die verbrauchte Traffic. More…