Category Network & Internet / Trace & Ping Tools
Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source
Version: 3.6.4 | Freeware

Free Port Scanner is a small, fast, easy-to-use and robust port scanner for the Win32 platform.You can scan ports on fast machines in a few seconds and can perform scan on predefined port ranges. This tool uses TCP packets to determine available hosts and open ports, service associated with port and other important characteristics. The tool is designed with a user-friendly interface and is easy to use. More…
Version: 11.5 | Freeware

http-ping is a small, free, easy-to-use command-line utility that probes a given URL and displays relevant statistics. It is similar to the popular 'ping' utility, but works over HTTP/S instead of ICMP, and with a URL instead of a computer name/IP address. Use it to discover if a web site is responding to requests, test the performance of any web site, load-test a web server, or compose scripts that monitor a web site. More…
Version: 1.7 | Shareware (EUR 20.00)

NetStat4Win zeigt alle offenen TCP/IP-Verbindungen Ihres PCs und die anfallende Datenmenge für jede einzelne Verbindung. Ab WinXP SP2 zeigt es ebenfalls den Prozess an, der die Verbindung aufgebaut hat und verwendet. Sie können damit leicht erkennen welche Verbindung wie viel Traffic verbraucht und welcher Prozess die Verbindung verwendet. Es können somit gefährliche Programme leicht erkannt und mit einem Mausklick vom PC entfernt werden. More…
Version: 4 | Freeware
hrPing - High-precision ping utility with advanced functionality and improved statistics More…
Version: 2 | Freeware
IPMon ist nützlich für PCs mit einer dynamisch vergebenen IP-Adresse, auf die z.B. per Fernwartungssoftware zugegriffen werden muss. Mit IPMon können Sie die lokale und öffentliche IP überwachen lassen. Stellt IPMon eine Veränderung fest, kann es eine E-Mail mit der neuen IP-Adresse versenden, ein Update durchführen, per FTP eine HTML-Seite mit der neuen IP-Adresse auf die eigene Webseite übertragen oder eine SMS versenden. More…
Version: 8.94 | Shareware (USD 39.95)
NetInfo is a collection of 15 different state-of-the-art network diagnostic tools on a single, easy-to-use interface. Designed from first-hand experience, NetInfo allows businesses to more effectively combat network downtime by allowing network administrators, webmasters, and Internet service providers to more accurately isolate faults, simplify processing of diagnostic data and increase internal network security. More…
Version: 8.94 | Shareware (USD 39.95)
NetInfo is a collection of 15 different state-of-the-art network diagnostic tools on a single, easy-to-use interface. Designed from first-hand experience, NetInfo allows businesses to more effectively combat network downtime by allowing network administrators, webmasters, and Internet service providers to more accurately isolate faults, simplify processing of diagnostic data and increase internal network security. More…
Version: 14.0l | Shareware (USD 59.95)
VisualRoute combines the tools traceroute, ping, reverse DNS, and Whois into a single graphical interface that analyzes Internet connections to quickly locate where outages or slowdowns occur. An IP location database identifies the geographical location of IP addresses and Web servers, showing the path of an Internet connection on a global map. Domain registration and network provider contact information are reported for each network hop. More…
Version: 5.1 | Shareware (USD 12.00)
X-NetStat displays information on your Internet and / or network connections in realtime. Details of each connections are shown in a list called the connection table, including remote hostname and IP address, local and remote ports, connection status, age, and process. The program can forcefully kill connections, copy connection information to the clipboard, minimize the application to the system tray, show bytes in/out, and more. More…