Category Graphic Apps / Editors (Filter: Shareware)
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Version: 1.93 | Shareware (USD 19.95)

GentleDraw is a program for creation of 3D models from black-and-white images using vector conversion. You can move and rotate 3D models just by dragging them, changes are shown on the screen in real time. You can easily adjust color, texture, borders and animation settings. GentleDraw can save animations as animated GIF files. The program includes 3D models borders editor and animation routes trace editor. More…
Canvas GIS Advanced (Mac)
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (EUR 999.95)

CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition: Support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import almost any popular GIS file type into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers and choose from:
2,104 Coordinate Reference Systems
67 Operation Methods (like Mercator, Albers Conic Equal Area)
1,052 Map Projections
302 Geodetic Datums
21 Angular units
45 Length units More…
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (EUR 549.99)

CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers and choose from:
2,104 Coordinate Reference Systems
67 Operation Methods (like Mercator, Albers Conic Equal Area)
1,052 Map Projections
302 Geodetic Datums
21 Angular units
45 Length units More…
Canvas Scientific Imaging Edition
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (EUR 549.99)

CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition offers all the features of the Professional Edition plus advanced image processing tools and direct import of DICOM format files.CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition is the first product of its kind to incorporate an extensive array of image processing tools to accurately measure, analyze, import, and export precision digital images with up to 32 bits of floating point pixel data per channel. More…
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition (Mac)
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (EUR 549.99)

CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers and choose from:
2,104 Coordinate Reference Systems
67 Operation Methods (like Mercator, Albers Conic Equal Area)
1,052 Map Projections
302 Geodetic Datums
21 Angular units
45 Length units More…
Photolightning photo software
Version: 5.51 | Shareware (USD 39.95)

If you love taking digital photos but have little time to learn or desire to use "professional" programs to make standard sized prints, send photo emails, and perform minor photo enhancements, Photolightning is the solution for you. Following an easy three-step process, digital camera users can process a typical set of 24 photos in five minutes or less. More…
Artistic Effects
Version: 1.8 | Demo (USD 59.95)

Looking at human creativity as an engine of modern graphical design, the situation with pricy graphics software seems unfair. Is there any chance for amateur computer artists to get the proper tools at a fair price? There is! Introducing Artistic Effects! A collection of image filters that make up professional computer artist toolbox. This unique effects pack has all that you may need to start creating fantastic colorful artwork right away! More…
3D Maker
Version: 1.2 | Shareware

Multiple studies indicate that 3D elements of graphical image are perceived better thus making it easier for the designer to implement the idea of his artwork. Introducing Lokas 3D Maker, the unique Photoshop plug-in intended to add a completely new dimension to your artwork! It allows creation of pseudo 3D graphical elements out of 2D drawings. All you need is imagination. Take your chance to be creative! Download free trial version now! More…
Heyer's Visitenkarten
Version: 4.04 | Shareware (EUR 25.00)

Mit dem Programm können Visitenkarten entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Heyer's Visitenkarten schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Anwender kann in weitem Rahmen die Visitenkarten frei gestalten. Das Programm kann Bitmap-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Adress-Daten können in einer separaten Datei verwaltet werden. Es steht eine ausführliche Online-Hilfe zur Verfügung. More…
Heyer's Etiketten-Studio
Version: 5.01 | Shareware (EUR 29.00)

Mit dem Programm können Etiketten für viele Anwendungszwecke entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Es schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Anwender kann in weitem Rahmen die Etiketten frei gestalten. Das Programm kann Bitmap-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Mit integrierter Seriendruckfunktion. More…
Wacker Art RGB Color Mixer
Version: 1.4 | Freeware

With the RGB Color Mixer Applet it is possible to define the RGB values of a selected color.
The color can be defined with 7 sliders or with a random function. The program requires a browser with Java Plugin 1.4.2. The file does not only contain the java applet in the mixer.jar archive but also the mixer.html file that allows the display of the Applet in a browser. More…
Heyer's Video-Cover
Version: 4.02 | Shareware (EUR 35.00)

Mit dem Programm können Einlegeblätter für DVD-, Blu Ray- und Kassetten-Hüllen frei gestalten und ausgedruckt werden. Neben der Darstellung von Texten und Bildern stehen eine Reihe von Schmuck-Objekten (Rahmen, Farbverläufe, Linien etc.) zur Verfügung. Information zu den Aufnahmen können u.a. tabelarisch dargestellt werden. Das Programm kann BMP-, PNG, JPG, WMF- und EMF-Grafiken verwenden. Es steht eine ausführliche Online-Hilfe zur Verfügung. More…