Category Graphic Apps / Editors (Filter: Shareware)
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ACD VideoMagic
Version: 1.0.2 | Shareware (EUR 49.99)

This automatic digital video software analyzes your video content for color, texture, motion and human faces to find the most exciting moments. It also analyzes your music for tempo and rhythm. The combined digital video production matches the motion and transitions in your original clips with the beat of your music. ACD Video Magic then creates a professional looking music video from your soundtrack, video clips, and images in just minutes. More…
Version: 6.3.2 | Demo (USD 79.95)

Geocode digital photos, including RAW. Stamp the images or write (lossless) to the EXIF. Create web pages using Google Maps, export KML/KMZ files to Google Earth, upload to Flickr, export shapefiles (SHP), GPX, or AutoCAD DXF files. Supports Garmin GPS units (USB or COM), but no GPS is required. Geotag from a tracklog, waypoints, NMEA, placenames or a GPX file. UTM and MGRS support. Easy to use. Free lifetime upgrades. More…
Canvas Professional Edition
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (EUR 349.99)

CANVAS 9 Professional Edition is the high-performance drawing environment for professionals in business, science, and engineering. CANVAS 9 is the only cross-platform, technical drawing program that seamlessly integrates professional-level image editing, page layout, web graphics and presentation features into a single creative application. CANVAS 9 continues an 18-year tradition of innovation with over 100 new features and enhancements. More…
Canvas Professional Edition (Mac)
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (EUR 349.99)

CANVAS 9 Professional Edition is the high-performance drawing environment for professionals in business, science, and engineering. CANVAS 9 is the only cross-platform, technical drawing program that seamlessly integrates professional-level image editing, page layout, web graphics and presentation features into a single creative application. CANVAS 9 continues an 18-year tradition of innovation with over 100 new features and enhancements. More…
Canvas Scientific Imaging Edition (Mac)
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (EUR 549.99)

CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition offers all the features of the Professional Edition plus advanced image processing tools and direct import of DICOM format files.CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition is the first product of its kind to incorporate an extensive array of image processing tools to accurately measure, analyze, import, and export precision digital images with up to 32 bits of floating point pixel data per channel. More…
Pixel Editor
Version: 2.36 | Shareware (EUR 19.95)

Transferring images from the depths of your fantasy to your website or cellular phone? It's easy! Pixel Editor is a smart software tool for the job. It supports a variety of graphic formats and has specialized tools to process images in color depths up to 16 million colors. You'll love its clearly-structured interface and great capabilities. More…
BildCommander 2 - Suite
Version: 2.23.10 | Shareware

Der BildCommander ist ein vollwertiges Bildbearbeitungsprogramm, 32-Bit Icon Editor sowie animierte Cursor, Hintergrund auszublenden, Einfügen mit Überblendung, Rahmen erstellen, Viele Effektfilter, Farb-, Kontrast- Helligkeits- und S/W-Einstellungen, Zeichenarten von Airbrush bis Stift, Viele Zeichnen-Funktionen, Effekt-Filter, Farbe ausblenden, Drucken mit Millimetergenauen Einstellungen. Kinderleicht zu bedienen auch für DVD und CD-Cover. More…
eCover Engineer
Version: 6.3.1 | Shareware (EUR 29.95)

Create professional ebook covers, CD covers, DVD covers and software box covers. Edit pictures using eCover Engineer's build in image editor and use our 100 free templates. Features include: real-time 3D Editing and Rendering; high image quality; ability to import BMP, JPG, GIF, PSD and other file formats; almost 100 royalty free templates; export your work as BMP, JPG and PNG with transparency. More…
Version: 2 | Shareware (EUR 6.90)

PhotoCutter wurde entwickelt, um digitale Fotos auf einfache Art und Weise zu beschneiden und verlustfrei abzuspeichern.
Der Hauptunterschied zu den meisten anderen Werkzeugen dieser Art liegt in der verzeichnisbezogenen Arbeitsweise des Programms: Der Benutzer scrollt einfach durch sämtliche (JPEG-)Bilder eines Verzeichnisses und legt - quasi nebenbei - die gewünschten Auswahlbereiche der einzelnen Fotos fest. More…
Heyer's CD+DVD-Hüllen
Version: 2.02 | Shareware (EUR 29.00)

Es können Inlaycards, Covercards bzw. 4-seitige Booklets für CD-/DVD-Hüllen (Jewel-Cases) erstellt werden. Ebenfalls können CD-Etiketten bedruckt werden. Heyer's CD+DVD-Hüllen schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Anwender kann in weitem Rahmen eigene Layouts gestalten. Das Programm kann Bitmap-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Es steht eine ausführliche Online-Hilfe zur Verfügung. More…
Photo Frame Show
Version: 1.0.16 | Shareware (USD 24.95)

Easily add stylish frames to digital photos and enhance your photo albums, desktop, projects, websites! Through Photo Frame Show's friendly interface you can instantly select and add frames to your images, insert text, clipart, graphics, create impressive e-Cards & more. Impress your loved ones using stylish frames from multiple categories: Classical, Shapes, Emotions, Occasions, Seasons, Sports, Locations, Music, Family and much more! More…
Orange Photo Editor
Version: 1 | Freeware

Orange Photo Editor is an easy-to-use program that allows you to view, manage and publish photos on your website. It create thumbnails, resize photos and generate HTML pages. More…