Category Games & Entertainment / Strategy & War Games (Filter: Freeware)
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I of the Enemy: Ril'Cerat
Version: 2.25 | Freeware
I of the Enemy: Ril'Cerat is a totally free, stand alone, science fiction real-time starategy game, that is the first chapter in the "I of the Enemy" saga. The player is a Lokob (luh-kobe) officer who is in charge of his race's contingent. Major Verkkal (voice talents of Ian McNeice, famed for his role as Baron Harkonnen in Dune) is his trusted friend and Field Commander. More…
Machines at War 3
Version: 1.0 | Demo (USD 9.99)
Play unlimited skirmish matches with random maps and victory conditions. Build over 100 different types of units. Discover the secrets of the lost Omicron Initiative research team in 21 epic missions! Join multiplayer with four friends. Command seven HUGE mega units and create total annihilation! Full complement of aircraft, infantry, naval, and ground forces. Research over 30 technologies. More…
Galaxy Online
Version: 1.0.027 | Freeware
Fighting for the rich resources available in distant galaxies, the powerful Kadry Group, Federation of Eir, Bakran League, Rofilla Consortium, Maya Clan, Rayman Empire... have become embroiled in bitter battles for supremacy and control over the universe. Now you're one of the thousands of players who can Colonize Stars, Design Spaceships, Command Fleets, Fight Galactic Pirates and compete for the Predominant of the Universe. More…
Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms
Version: 1.1 | Shareware (EUR 14.00)
"Defend and Defeat: Kingdoms" is a medieval strategy game. Build a unique medieval city and defend it against Lord Griffenwald's evil hords. This game offers hours of game play for the whole family. More…
Supernova: Galactic Wars (WIN)
Version: 1.1.4 | Shareware (EUR 6.99)
Supernova combines chess with shoot'em up. Choose your side: the evil Red Legion or the mystic Blue Army? Every side has 10 unique ships, each ship has up to 3 different types of fire for a total of 26 different weapons! Featuring Story Mode game and Quickbattle. More…
Novel Tic Tac Toe
Version: 1.2.2 | Shareware (USD 9.95)
Tic Tac Toe: take turns to mark a grid of 3 x 3 squares, the one who marks a line horizontally, vertically and diagonally wins.
Make Fifteen: take turns to pick up numbers from 1 to 9, the one who owns 3 numbers that add up to 15 wins.
Gem Stones: take turns to pick up bags of gems, the one who owns all gems of the same kind wins.
Lighted Rooms: take turns to light up candles in rooms, the one lights up all the candles in a room wins. More…
Novel Puzzle
Version: 1.7.0 | Freeware
This is a tile sliding puzzle game that allows you to use your own pictures.The object of this game is move the tiles to recover the original picture. At the beginning of a game, the picture will be chopped into tiles, one of the tiles are taken away so that the adjacent tiles can move to this place. The tiles will be shuffled and then you can move the tiles into the empty space. You have to move skillfully until you recover the original picture. More…
Version: 2.0 | Shareware
In der Welt herrscht das Chaos. Orks,Trolle, Drachen und Dämonen steigen aus ihrem unterirdischen Reich empor und machen das Land unsicher. Piraten und Seeungeheuer beherrschen die Meere. Sammeln Sie in den 16 Städten Informationen und bekämpfen Sie die Unholde in der Wildnis, auf den Meeren und in den 64 Dungeonleveln. Reichtum und Erfahrung lassen sich durch Kämpfe und Handel mehren. Umfangreiches 2D-Rollenspiel. More…
Novel Matchsticks
Version: 1.1.2 | Shareware (USD 9.95)
At the beginning of each game, you will be presented a set of matches and be asked to add or move or remove a number of matches to form a number of squares. The rule is that every square counts. So a match can be part of a small square and part of a big square simultaneously. There must not be idle matches also, hence every match must be part of a square. More…
Cyberfaktor Fussballmanager
Version: 1.0 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)
Sie haben in diesem Spiel die Aufgabe eine Fussballmannschaft zu managen. Kümmern sie sich um die Mannschaftsaufstellung und kaufen sie neue Spieler. Unterzeichnen sie lukrative Werbeverträge und bauen sie ihr Stadion aus. Sorgen sie dafür, dass die Fans ihrer Mannschaft treu bleiben, indem sie ihrer Mannschaft zum Erfolg verhelfen. Trainieren sie ihre Spieler-Talente oder schicken sie sie ins Trainingslager. More…
Novel Mines
Version: 1.2.2 | Freeware
This free game is a minesweeper game with 5 different modes: tri mode, quad mode, hex mode, oct mode and dodec mode. While the classic minesweeper has only one mode: oct mode.
The object of this game is to open all the blocks without opening a mine. When you open a block without a mine, a number will be shown indicating the number of mines adjacent to it. You can then use this information to find out blocks without mines and then open them. More…
Crazy TV
Version: 1.0 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)
Sie haben in diesem Spiel die Aufgabe, einen Fernsehsender zu betreiben. Als Chef müssen die verschiedensten Aufgaben erledigen. Es liegt in ihrer Hand, ob sie ihren Sender in den Ruin treiben, oder es schaffen das Spielziel zu erreichen. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit ihren Punktestand ins Internet zu übertragen um sich mit anderen Spielern zu messen. Inklusive CHEF-Funktion. More…