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Category Games & Entertainment / Board (Filter: Demo)

Funny Chess

A fun new chess game! This game is sure to challenge even the best chess players! Awesome graphics make this chess game unique and will have you playing for hours! Take on the computer or go head-to-head with friends using multiplayer options. More…


Mahjongg Solitaire Game with many different tilesets. The game has restart, undo, and hint functions. Play to get into the highscore. More…

Crazy Nine

9 is a very important number in this action game. Beneath the 9x9 board the game offers you patterns of maximal 9 logs. Your job is it to take these log patterns and to fit it in the board. If you fill a 3x3 square or a column or row of 9, the belonging to logs will disappear and make place for others. If you lay logs on another logs the color will become darker and darker and finally the logs are converted to marble. Only bombs can remove marble More…

Crazy Pattern

The game area is 18x14 matrix. In this area a lot of different symbols are distributed at random. On the right you see a pattern of 3x3. Find a copy of this pattern in the big matrix as fast as you can and mark it with the white frame. Instead of this pattern different symbols will appear. The higher the level the more different symbols will be in the game. To find a pattern will become more and more difficult. More…


Ko-No ist ein altes koreanischen Brettspiel für zwei Personen. Zu Beginn einer Partie erhält jeder Mitspieler sieben Steine einer Farbe. Gewinner ist der Spieler der als erster mit seinen Steinen die gegnerischen Startfelder besetzt hat. Als Gegner kann der Computer oder ein zweiter Spieler gewählt werden. Beim Spiel zu zweit besteht die Möglichkeit die Zeit eines Zuges oder für das ganze Spiel zu begrenzen. More…

Crazy Loops

In a game area you have to place different pieces of straight, bended or crossed pipes. On the right there is a conveyor, serving pipes. Take the lowest and place it on the game area. Try to build a locked up system. If one is ready, it will disappear and your score and the game level will increase. Now there is space for further more constructions. Some pipes wont fit together, so you will have to work on more than one system at the same time. More…