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Category Development / Other (Filter: Demo)

Freeware XMLFox XML/XSD Editor

Freeware XML editing and validation tool XMLFox is a freeware editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. XMLFox schema editor enables you to easily develop advanced data models expressed in XSD Schema. It is the XML Schema Editor to provide a synchronized split-pane interface that simultaneously shows both a visual XML Schema Diagram and the underlying code, with changes in one pane immediately reflected in the other More…

JRFile Viewer Activex

JRFileViewer is a ActiveX control that allows software developers to add a file and drive list to their applications with a couple of lines of code. The Control shows all the files and folders of the Shell's Namespace in a list, exactly as Windows Explorer does. It will work with any development language that allows the user to drop an ActiveX control on the window. More…

Visual Build Professional

Visual Build Pro is a tool that enables developers, software process engineers, and build specialists to create an automated, repeatable process for building their software. Visual Build provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET/2005, Visual Studio Team System, Visual Basic, Visual C++, SourceSafe, eMbedded Tools, Borland Developer Studio, Delphi, JBuilder, C++Builder, ClearCase and more. More…

DataGridView Columns .NET assembly

DataGridView Columns .NET 2.0 assembly from RustemSoft is a DataGridView Columns software package specifically designed for Windows Forms .NET 2.0 developers. The assembly allows you to use all strengths of the MS Windows .NET 2.x forms DataGridView control without waiving the user interface elements your customers need. More…

ActiveX sevCoolbar

Statten Sie Ihre Anwendungen mit nur wenigen Mausklicks mit professionellen Toolbars aus. Neben normalen Buttons können Platzhalter, Trenner, Gruppenbuttons oder PopUp-Menüs festgelegt werden. Die Darstellung erfolgt entweder flach (Flatlook) oder normal. Im Lieferumfang des sevCoobar-Steuerelements sind bereits ca. 345 fertige Bildsymbole enthalten, welche Sie frei verwenden können. More…


The contained DLL enables it the programmer let calculate complex mathematical expressions in form of a String with nearly unlimited length within own projects during the runtime. The mathematical formula parser can both calculate a expression without variable and a function with max. 3 variable (X,Y,Z).. More…