Category Business / PIMS & Calendars (Filter: Shareware)
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Heyer's Kalender-Studio
Version: 6.04 | Shareware (EUR 34.00)

Es können (mehrsprachige) Wochen-, Monats- oder Jahreskalender entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Heyer's Kalender-Studio schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Kalender kann frei gestaltet. Das Programm kann BMP-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Verwaltung bzw. Berechnung von Feiertagen, Ferien, Terminen, Mondphase etc.. Eine ausführliche Programm-Hilfe ist vorhanden. More…
Version: 3.4 | Shareware (USD 39.95)

A simple yet useful organizer, ActionOutline consists of an Explorer-like interface where you can store and arrange all your information in a tree outline form. You can arrange items using keyboard or mouse, cut and paste branches, place checks or tags, search, print, export, link to web or local files. You can protect your documents with encryption and password. Your outlines can be shared on the network and you can collaborate with other users. More…
Ovalox Kalender Designer
Version: 2025.1 | Shareware (EUR 69.95)

Mit Ovalox Kalender Designer können Sie einfach und bequem unterschiedliche Kalender erstellen und selbst gestalten. Die Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Kalender sind z.B. Fotokalender, Tischkalender, Einlagen für Zeitplaner usw. More…
Aml Pages Spanish Version
Version: 10.02 | Shareware (EUR 22.00)

Aml Pages is tree-structured notes manager. It contains all your notes, information, web pages, passwords, URL-address in the form of a tree, so you can quickly find what you need. The Aml Pages can easily save web pages from the Internet and provides a sticky for quick notes. Manage megatons of your notes with ease at work and at home. Supports plain text, rich text and web pages, tables and figures, attachments, and many plug-ins. More…
AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe Edition
Version: 4.12 | Shareware (USD 34.00)

AllMyNotes Organizer is a safe random info manger! Save every bit of your data safely hidden from other individuals. Thanks to this software saving ideas, memos, thoughts and storing diaries is a pure pleasure - themes, alarms, blazing fast database engine! The developer did everything to make you feel happiness from what you are doing in it :) More…
Aml Pages Polish Version
Version: 10.02 | Shareware (EUR 22.00)

Aml Pages is tree-structured notes manager. It contains all your notes, information, web pages, passwords, URL-address in the form of a tree, so you can quickly find what you need. The Aml Pages can easily save web pages from the Internet and provides a sticky for quick notes. Manage megatons of your notes with ease at work and at home. Supports plain text, rich text and web pages, tables and figures, attachments, and many plug-ins. More…
Aml Pages Portable Edition
Version: 10.02b2974 | Shareware (USD 29.00)

Aml Pages is tree-structured notes manager. It contains all your notes, information, web pages, passwords, URL-address in the form of a tree, so you can quickly find what you need. The Aml Pages can easily save web pages from the Internet and provides a sticky for quick notes. Manage megatons of your notes with ease at work and at home. Supports plain text, rich text and web pages, tables and figures, attachments, and many plug-ins. More…
Version: 1 | Shareware (EUR 9.90)

Arbeitszeitverwaltung einfach und schnell. Beliebig viele Jahrgänge und Mitarbeiter, individuelle Arbeitszeitmodelle. Jahresübersicht, Auswertungen, Benutzerverwaltung, Datensicherung More…
Contact Organizer Pro
Version: 3.2b | Shareware (USD 245.00)

Contact Organizer Pro is a flexible contact management software for Windows users. Our contacts software solution gives you an easy way to gather and organize information about all your business contacts: main contact information, business/account information, related contacts information, history of all activities, contact notes, and more. More…
DD Personalplaner Professional
Version: | Shareware (EUR 667.00)

Professionalversion des DD Personalplaners, geeignet für noch höhere Anforderungen und komplexere Planungen. Zusätzliche Funktionen u.a. automatisierter Versand der Dienstpläne per Email (als PDF Anlage), Handling von Mitarbeitergruppen, Planung mit Hilfe von definierbaren Schichten, erweiterte Filterfunktion in den Planungsansichten Tages- und Wochenansicht, zusätzliche Planungsansichten (Planungsmanager). Weitere Unterschiede siehe Homepagelink More…
VueMinder Pro
Version: 2023.01 | Shareware (EUR 54.58)

VueMinder Pro is a Windows calendar program that helps you organize your schedule with events, tasks, notes, and contacts. Data is color-coded and presented in a variety of attractive and customizable formats, including Day, Week, Month, Year, List, and Timeline views. VueMinder provides the ability to sync with Google Calendar, Outlook, and iCalendar (ics) files or URLs - enabling you to keep your Windows calendar in sync with any mobile device. More…
Address Organizer Deluxe
Version: 4.21 | Shareware (USD 75.00)

Address software for Windows. Organize business or personal addresses, phones, emails, web addresses, contact notes. Easy-to-use data management features. Print address and phone books, mailing labels, forms, letters, or mail merge address documents. Send emails, capture or enter person or map image. Create customized address solutions. Features: search, filter, sort, mail merge, html reports, quick dial, handy email, database designer. More…