Kategorie System Utilities / Sonstige (Filter: Shareware)
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Easy Volume Control
Version: 1.1.0 | Shareware (14,00 EUR)
Just use [+] and [-] keys in keypad to control your volume easy!The best tool for PC Game Players! Mehr…
Version: 4 | Shareware (35,00 USD)
MonitorTest is a tool that allows users to investigate the quality and performance of their computer monitor or LCD flat panel screens using a series of test patterns. Each of the 35 different test screens have been created to test a particular aspect of the monitors performance. MonitorTest runs in Windows and will work at any resolution, aspect ratio and color depth supported by your monitor and graphics card and will support multiple monitor. Mehr…
1-abc.net Right Click Configurator
Version: 1.01 | Shareware (9,99 EUR)
Über eine einfach bedienbare Oberfläche werden Ihnen alle eingetragenen Verknüpfungen im Popup-Menü des Windows Explorers zu Windows-Funktionen und externen Programmen angezeigt. Das Deaktivieren eines solchen Eintrags ist ebenso mit einem Klick erledigt wie die spätere Aktivierung, falls man ihn doch wieder bekommen möchte. Natürlich kann man solche Einträge auch bearbeiten, komplett vom System entfernen oder benutzerdefiniert hinzufügen. Mehr…
COM Port Splitter
Version: 5.0.119 | Shareware (79,95 EUR)
Mit COM Port Splitter können Sie einen reellen Port auf mehrere virtuelle Ports aufteilen, mehrere reelle Ports einem virtuellen Port zuweisen und den seriellen Datentransfer von einem reellen Port zu einem anderen reellen oder zu einem virtuellen Port umleiten. Sie können auch einen reellen seriellen Port mehreren Anwendungen zuweisen so daß alle gleichzeitig die selben Daten von einem reellen Port empfangen. Mehr…
1-abc.net Utility Box
Version: 3 | Shareware (34,99 EUR)
Die 1-abc.net Utility Box kombiniert 14 großartige Tools zur Windows-Analyse, -Reinigung und -Optimierung zu einem Komplettpaket, das Ihr System schneller und sicherer macht. Hard Drive Washer (unnötige Dateien löschen), Surf Trail Washer (Internetspuren löschen), Registry Washer (Reinigen der Registrierungsdatenbank), Startup Booster (Autostart-Konfiguration), File Washer (Dateien sauber löschen), File Encypter (Verschlüsselung), Backup u.v.m. Mehr…
Version: 7.0.3 | Shareware (49,95 USD)
WinSettings is a Windows utility that protects your online Privacy and Security, to gain more control of your Windows Desktop, and make better use of acquired multimedia contents. It cleans up unwanted tracks left on the computer from surfing the Internet and in the Document Menu automatically on Windows Startup or on demand with just one single click, with features not available in Windows. Mehr…
Version: 1 | Shareware (19,95 USD)
Unlike other zipping and unzipping programs, ACDZip is the zip software for digital imaging. ACDZip provides thumbnail previews or full size viewing of images before you create your archives and after opening zip files. Additionally, ACDZip provides you with the ability to modify archives without extracting, Create or convert to 8 archive types, including ZIP and CAB. Share your archives by e-mail. Plus, protect your archives with passwords. Mehr…
Version: 2.1.1010 | Shareware (28,00 USD)
An easy to use Windows program that allows the monitoring of laptop computer batteries and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Graphically see the battery charge / discharge rate, diagnose problem battery cells, compare your batteries performance with expected discharge rates and see the status of each individual battery pack (when multiple batteries are in use). More than 20 statistics are provided including voltage, chemistry and capacity. Mehr…
Virtual Serial Port Kit
Version: 5.9 | Shareware (129,95 USD)
Virtual Serial Port Kit creates virtual serial ports and connects each pair of them via a virtual null-modem cable. Applications can exchange data just like they do via hardware COM ports. Mehr…
Odbc 4 All
Version: 2.4 | Shareware (49,00 EUR)
Allows any application, including DOS apps and batch files, to easily run SQL queries using any ODBC data source, (Access, MySql, Oracle, Informix, ...) redirecting the output to the screen, an ascii file / table or a DBF table. Can be used in standalone mode and/or inside a 3rd party application, with or without user intervention. Mehr…
Version: 7 | Shareware (29,95 USD)
DiaryOne is a creative multimedia diary keeper software for storing your private information securely. DiaryOne can store not only texts but also multimedia information including sounds, pictures, etc. It also provides various skins and stationeries for your diaries. You can select a diary skin as you like. Even, you can send your diary to others as email. Mehr…
TweakNow PowerPack 2005 Professional
Version: 1.4 | Shareware (34,95 USD)
TweakNow PowerPack is a fully-integrated suite of utilities that let you fine-tune every aspect of your computer's operating system and Web browser. The RAM Idle program manages the free memory that is available to run Windows programs. It prevents performance from degrading as you swap files and programs in and out of memory. The AutoShutdown program lets you suspend, hibernate, or shut down your computer after a specified period of time. Mehr…