Kategorie System Utilities / Datei- & HDD-Management
Compare PDF
Version: 3 | Shareware (30,00 USD)

Compare PDF can compare both - related and non-related files.
"By keywords" comparison feature highlights common and unique keywords, allowing to compare non-related files.
"Word by word" comparison compares files with a common ancestor.
If you work with plain text, then you can edit compared documents, apply or decline changes.
Finally, you can bring comparison details to simple or advanced structured report. Mehr…
SizeExplorer Report Generator
Version: 3.8.7 | Shareware (19,00 USD)

SizeExplorer Report Generator is a command line tool that let you generate reports from a live disk exploration or from a saved disk exploration from SizeExplorer (i.e. a .sef file) SEReport supports generation of reports into a variety of file formats like Excel (.xls), Lotus 123 (.wk1), Comma Separated Value (.csv), XML (.xml), Web page (.htm) or Text file (.txt). Mehr…
Rapid File Defragmentor
Version: 1.4 build 686 | Shareware (14,95 USD)

Rapid File Defragmentor is the fastest defragmentation program allowing you to defragment selected files and directories. Regular defragmentation increases the overall performance of your system dramatically. The key advantage of the Rapid File Defragmentor is the ability to group files and folders into the profiles and defragment only selected profiles instead of the whole hard disk. Mehr…
SizeExplorer Lite
Version: 3.7.3 | Shareware (14,00 USD)

SizeExplorer Lite is a powerful disk space usage analyzer. It provides you with a complete set of tools to help you manage your disk space easily. Features include folder size, graphical charts, file distribution statistics and reports, search and filter, biggest files, file management, printing of file listing, compress into ZIP file, exports to Excel, html, xml and text files, etc. Mehr…
DiskInternals CD and DVD Recovery
Version: 3.5 | Demo (39,95 USD)

Just finished burning CD or DVD, only to find out that some files appear to be corrupted or inaccessible? Power went out, while recording data? This solution will recover files from CDs and DVDs, including multi-session ones. CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVR+R, DVD-RW, DVR+RW and DVD-RAM. The program recovers any type of files - data, video, music, etc. The program supports ISO 9660, Joliet and UDF file systems. 100% Success Rate. Try it now! Mehr…
CD/DVD Data Recovery
Version: | Shareware (37,99 EUR)

CD/DVD Datenrettung (Englisch name: CD/DVD Data Recovery) ist ein Werkzeug, um beschädigte Dateien auf CDs und DVDs zu rettung. Es scannt die Diskettensektoren schnell, rettet die beschädigten Dateien und kopiert die korrekten Daten soweit möglich auf die Festplatte. Mehr…
DiskInternals FAT Recovery
Version: 3.7 | Demo (69,95 USD)

DiskInternals FAT Recovery is a fully automatic utility that recovers data from damaged or formatted disks. The program scans the disk first and then restores the original structure of files and folders. Works for all occasions - formatted drive, inaccessible drive, drive not booting, missing or deleted file or directory, corrupted or damaged partition table. Files up to 64 KB are recovered by DiskInternals FAT Recovery absolutely free. Mehr…
Version: 1.6 | Shareware (14,95 EUR)

CoolAutoFormat ist ein Programm, mit dem Sie reihenweise Datenträger nacheinander formatieren können und diese - wenn Sie es möchten - auch gleich mit Daten befüllen können. CoolAutoFormat ist geeignet, einen großen Stapel Disketten effizient zu formatieren oder auch eine kleine Diskettenproduktion zu bewerkstelligen. Mit diesem Programm entfällt das immer wiederkehrende, lästige manuelle Auswählen des Formatierungsdialoges über den Explorer Mehr…
Floppy Zip Disk Rescue
Version: | Shareware (33,00 EUR)

Floppy Zip Disk Rescue is an easy-to-use tool to rescue corrupt file from Floppy disk and ZIP disk or other peripheral devices, It fast scans disk sectors, rescues the damaged files and copies the correct data to hard disk as possible as it can. The program is especially effective for corrupted digital multimedia files, audio, video, image files, MPEG, AVI, RM, MP3, JPEG etc, and for damaged document and text files. Mehr…
EF Commander
Version: 25.04 | Shareware (25,00 EUR)

Mächtiger, vielseitig konfigurierbarer und dennoch leicht zu bedienender Dateimanager. Highlights: Schnelle und komfortable Dateiverwaltung, Komfortable Benutzeroberfläche, interne Packer für viele gängige Archivformate, zahlreiche interne Viewer, FTP-Client mit bis zu 10 Verbindungen gleichzeitig. Brennen von CDs und DVDs, Mehrfachumbenennung. Integrierter Text- und HEX-Editor. Durch Plugins erweiterbar u.v.a. Für Windows. Mehr…
DiskInternals NTFS Recovery
Version: 3.7 | Shareware (99,95 USD)

If your drive is damaged or inaccessible, a disk volume has been re-formatted or even deleted, your files, unless physically destroyed or overwritten, can be recovered with DiskInternals NTFS Recovery. NTFS is an advanced disk formatting used by XP and other modern operating systems. DiskInternals NTFS Recovery is a tool that utilizes NTFS features allowing you to recover files from Disk volumes in case they were damaged.Pre-Recovery Preview! Mehr…
Version: 2.515 | Shareware (49,99 USD)

FileBoss provides the power and flexibility to manipulate files needed by professionals and demanded by today's large and intricate file systems. Providing tools to put you in control of your files and folders, whether it's renaming 1,000's of entries, replicating a tree structure without its files, intricate copying or performing many other tasks, FileBoss performs ordinary, and many not-so-ordinary, tasks in an extra-ordinary fashion. Mehr…