Kategorie Sicherheit & Datenschutz / Passwort-Manager
SecureSafe Pro Free Password Generator
Version: 5.4 | Freeware

SecureSafe Pro Free Password Generator allows to generate random passwords with a mouse click. Using Password Generator you do not have to think out new passwords. Password Generator will do it instead of you and will do it better. Password generation is easy to understand: mark checkboxes, click Generate button and get new random passwords. Password Generator is a freeware product so you do not need to pay for it. Mehr…
Word Password Recovery Master
Version: 4 | Shareware (29,95 USD)

Word Password Recovery Master is not like many Word document password cracking tool all around. It is 100% safe, 200% fast and absolutely effective. With just few clicks and 10 seconds you can strip a given Word file from all passwords locking it. The tool supports passwords to open and to modify, document protection passwords and VBA project passwords. The intuitive interface and powerful password server makes cracking process easy and reliable. Mehr…
Firefox Password Recovery Master
Version: 1.1 | Shareware (19,95 USD)

Firefox Password Recovery Master is a convenient utility for instant retrieval of any cached passwords stored in Mozilla Firefox browser. Just run the program and it will automatically execute a search and provide you with the list of passwords for password protected websites in a blink of an eye, regardless of their length, complexity and language. Mehr…
Version: 5.3.7 | Shareware (29,50 USD)

SpotAuditor is an advanced password recovery software for recovering over 40 programs passwords including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Office Outlook, Hotmail password, PalTalk, Google Talk, ICQ, Trillian, Miranda IM, RnQ, RDP, VNC, Total Commander, SmartFTP, Far ftp, FileZilla, WS_FTP, CuteFTP, CoffeeCup Direct FTP, recovers passwords behind the asterisks. Mehr…
Windows Password Recovery Bootdisk
Version: 5 | Shareware (19,95 USD)

Windows Password Recovery Bootdisk works as a life ring when you forget or lose a Windows user account password. In few minutes it erases the password to a specific user account or all of them with a specially created bootable CD/DVd disk or a USB drive. Just boot from it, select the remove password option and reboot to freely login to the system. Alternatively you can restore password hashes to try to recover the original passwords. Mehr…
Version: 9.6.5 | Shareware (39,95 USD)

RoboForm2Go for USB flash drives securely stores your passwords so you never need to type them again. It automatically logs you into online accounts and completes registration and checkout forms with one click. All new Version 7 supports Chrome and Safari browsers. RoboForm2Go runs directly from USB flash drives giving your data complete security and portability. RoboForm is PC Magazine's Editor's Choice and CNET's "Best Software of the Year." Mehr…
Password Manager XP
Version: 4.0.824 | Shareware (29,95 USD)

Password Manager XP ist ein Programm, mit dessen Hilfe Benutzer ihre wertvollen Informationen systematisieren und sicher verwahren können. Unser Programm befreit Sie von Kopfschmerzen wegen verlorener Passwörter, vergessener Zugriffscodes und anderer wichtiger Daten. Password Manager XP ist Ihr persönlicher Passwort-Verwalter! Mehr…
Outlook Express Password Recovery
Version: 1.12.4 | Shareware (28,00 USD)

POEPR ist ein Programm zum Wiederherstellen ALLER TYPEN von Outlook-Express-Passwörtern: SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, HTTPMAIL, LDAP und die Passwörter der Identitäten. Ein einfacher und benutzerfreundlicher Assistent hilft bei der Wahl zwischen zwei Modi: Automatisch (Passwörter des aktuellen Benutzers) oder manuell (Passwörter aus Registrierungs-Dateien). Auch Passwörter in versteckten Feldern (****) werden angezeigt. Mehr…
Password Guru
Version: 1.1.446 | Freeware

PasswordsGuru is a powerful and convenient passwords generator. Nowadays, it is essentially important for passwords to be exceptionally secure. And it is not that easy to create a secure password. That is why we have developed a freeware application PasswordsGuru. In fact, this application is a part of another one of our programs, SecureWord, which works for both storing and generating passwords, and has convenient user-friendly interface. Mehr…
Password Creator
Version: 2 | Shareware (9,99 USD)

Password Creator helps you create passwords that difficult to guess or crack. Whether you're a home user or a network administrator, you'll find that Password Creator will help you create passwords that are more secure. Password Creator allows you to specify the type of characters to use when creating passwords. Gives you the option to create fixed or variable length passwords. Create any where from 1 to 10000 passwords at a time. Mehr…
SecureSafe Pro Password Manager
Version: 3.6 | Shareware (39,95 USD)

SecureSafe Pro Password Manager is a unique software solution for storing confidential information (passwords, credit card numbers, confidential files) safely and securely in a secure file on your computer. It comes with military-grade encryption options, requires remembering only one access master password, has a built-in random password generator, and it is 100% FREE to try! Grab your copy now! Lifetime license! No annual payments! Mehr…
1-abc.net Password Organizer
Version: 1.12 | Shareware (14,99 EUR)

In der heutigen Zeit hat jeder Mensch zahlreiche Passwörter. Vom E-Mail- oder Messenger-Login über Sicherheitscodes für das Online-Banking bis hin zu PINs zur Handybenutzung. Der 1-abc.net Password Organizer erlaubt es, alle Login- und Passwortdaten mit nur einem einzigen Master-Passwort zu verwalten. Zusätzlich gibt es zahlreiche, sinnvolle Funktionen für modernes und sicheres Passwortmanagement, wie z.B. Passwortgenerator, Verschlüsselung u.v.m Mehr…