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StatTrak for Volleyball

StatTrak for Volleyball software is a complete stats program loaded with options yet very easy to use. Track and calculate over 45 stats including Digs, Service Aces, Service%, Assists per game, match scores, won/lost record, team standings and more. Create and print Reports by team, multiple-team, individual player, career, many more. StatTrak for Volleyball stats software is great for all levels of volleyball including Leagues and High School. Mehr…

StatTrak for Football

StatTrak for Football software is a complete stats program with many options yet very easy to use. Track and calculate over 100 stats for Passing, Receiving, Rushing, Defense, Kicking, game scores, won/lost record, team standings and more. StatTrak for Football stats software is great for all levels of Football including Leagues, High School, and College. Create and print reports by team, multiple-team, all games, individual games and more. Mehr…

StatTrak for Soccer

StatTrak for Soccer software is a complete stats program with many options yet very easy to use. Track and calculate over 40 stats for Kicks, Goals, Fouls, Blocks, Assists, game scores, won/lost record, team standings and more. StatTrak for Soccer stats software is great for all levels of Soccer including Leagues, High School, and College. Our soccer software tracks Off-Sides, Shots at Goal, Corner Kick %, Penalty Kicks and more. Mehr…

Germania GPlan

Germania G-Plan Dokumentationssystem Med-Control 5.1 zu Trainingsgeräten aus Edelstahl für Therapie und Fitness: der Softwareteil des Bio-Feedback-Systems zur drahtlosen Vernetzung Ihres Trainingsparks –Trainingsergebnisse als Trainingsdokumentation der Leistungsdaten werden automatisch in der Datenzentrale gespeichert und werden nach Mobilität, Koordination und Performance analysiert. Anwendung in medizinischer Trainingstherapie, Fitness, KG Mehr…


- you can show a current GPS data (Speed, Direction, Longitude, Latitude, Time, Date, Height); - you can open any of scanned maps (in a "bmp" or "dib" format); - you can calibrate the scanned maps yourself by two calibration points only (left-top and right-bottom); - calibrations are stored automatically for every map, you do not need to calibrate a map next time; - you can see your route line at the map; Mehr…


Planung und Durchführung von Sportturnieren. Minutengenaue Spielplanerstellung mit automatischer Schiedsrichtereinteilung und Anstosszeiten. Änderungen an Ablauf und/oder Mannschaftszahl noch Minuten vor Turnierbeginn möglich. Beliebig viele Spielpausen, beliebig viele Spielplätze. Anzeige fehlender Gruppenspiele. Möglichkeit zur automatischen Übernahme der Gruppensieger in die nächste Runde. Echtzeit-Tabellenberechnung, 2- oder Mehr…