Kategorie Grafik / Editoren (Filter: Freeware)
Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Filter löschen
Able Fax Tif View
Version: | Shareware (35,00 EUR)

Mit Able Fax Tif View kцnnen Sie FAX, TIF (TIFF), PDF, EPS, AI, DCX Dateien ansehen, bearbeiten und konvertieren. Es ist eine Komplettlцsung um FAX und TIFF Dateien zu betrachten, editieren, drucken, speichern und konvertieren. Able Fax Tif View konvertiert FAX and TIFF Dateien in TIFF/FAX, jpeg, png, bmp, pcx, gif, pdf und wmf umwandeln. Mehr…
PixPower Photo & Draw
Version: 5.02 | Shareware (29,00 EUR)

PixPower Photo & Draw führt ganz schnell Bildkorrekturen durch oder fertigt Screenshots an, konvertiert Bilder per Stapelbearbeitung in andere Formate oder Auflösungen, verwaltet Fotos in einer Bilderdatenbank. Mit Histogramm-Funktion, Rote-Augenkorrektur, Farbkorrektur, Helligkeit und Kontrast oder Gammawert-Korrektur stehen die Standard-Werkzeuge zur Verfügung. Sehr schneller Programmstart in ca. 1-2 Sekunden. Mehr…
Image Repainter
Version: 1.5 | Shareware (14,95 USD)

Image Repainter is Photoshop-compatible plug-in for Windows that borrows prototype image color characteristics to change colors of a source image. It is based on the modified method of matching color histogram statistics of the source image to those of prototype image. Image Repainter allows the user to express pleasing colors from desirable prototype image to images to be corrected. It is very useful for recoloring of a series of image shots. Mehr…
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
Version: X5 | Shareware (499,00 USD)

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 is a versatile graphic design software suite that helps you creatively express ideas for any media. Illustrate, lay out, trace, design Web graphics and animations, and photo-edit with this complete solution for visual communication. Offering increased speed, more accurate color control, and new and enhanced design tools, this must-have version helps you create extraordinary designs with confidence. Mehr…
3DMiracle & 3DMonster
Version: 5.2 | Shareware (40,00 USD)

Easy to operate program toolkit for creating Single Image stereograms with 3d animation support. 3 rendering algorithms, including hidden surface removal and distortions compensation. Removing 3D object slices. 24 bits color high resolution output images up to 10000x10000 pixels. Import of 3d objects from 3DS files. 3D movies may be saved in AVI files and compressed with any available codec. DirectX5 based (required 5 or higher). Mehr…
Canvas GIS Advanced (Mac)
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (999,95 EUR)

CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition: Support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import almost any popular GIS file type into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers and choose from:
2,104 Coordinate Reference Systems
67 Operation Methods (like Mercator, Albers Conic Equal Area)
1,052 Map Projections
302 Geodetic Datums
21 Angular units
45 Length units Mehr…
Version: 6.3.2 | Demo (79,95 USD)

Geocode digital photos, including RAW. Stamp the images or write (lossless) to the EXIF. Create web pages using Google Maps, export KML/KMZ files to Google Earth, upload to Flickr, export shapefiles (SHP), GPX, or AutoCAD DXF files. Supports Garmin GPS units (USB or COM), but no GPS is required. Geotag from a tracklog, waypoints, NMEA, placenames or a GPX file. UTM and MGRS support. Easy to use. Free lifetime upgrades. Mehr…
Artistic Effects
Version: 1.8 | Demo (59,95 USD)

Looking at human creativity as an engine of modern graphical design, the situation with pricy graphics software seems unfair. Is there any chance for amateur computer artists to get the proper tools at a fair price? There is! Introducing Artistic Effects! A collection of image filters that make up professional computer artist toolbox. This unique effects pack has all that you may need to start creating fantastic colorful artwork right away! Mehr…
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (549,99 EUR)

CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers and choose from:
2,104 Coordinate Reference Systems
67 Operation Methods (like Mercator, Albers Conic Equal Area)
1,052 Map Projections
302 Geodetic Datums
21 Angular units
45 Length units Mehr…
3D Maker
Version: 1.2 | Shareware

Multiple studies indicate that 3D elements of graphical image are perceived better thus making it easier for the designer to implement the idea of his artwork. Introducing Lokas 3D Maker, the unique Photoshop plug-in intended to add a completely new dimension to your artwork! It allows creation of pseudo 3D graphical elements out of 2D drawings. All you need is imagination. Take your chance to be creative! Download free trial version now! Mehr…
Version: 2 | Shareware (6,90 EUR)

PhotoCutter wurde entwickelt, um digitale Fotos auf einfache Art und Weise zu beschneiden und verlustfrei abzuspeichern.
Der Hauptunterschied zu den meisten anderen Werkzeugen dieser Art liegt in der verzeichnisbezogenen Arbeitsweise des Programms: Der Benutzer scrollt einfach durch sämtliche (JPEG-)Bilder eines Verzeichnisses und legt - quasi nebenbei - die gewünschten Auswahlbereiche der einzelnen Fotos fest. Mehr…
Version: 1.93 | Shareware (19,95 USD)

GentleDraw is a program for creation of 3D models from black-and-white images using vector conversion. You can move and rotate 3D models just by dragging them, changes are shown on the screen in real time. You can easily adjust color, texture, borders and animation settings. GentleDraw can save animations as animated GIF files. The program includes 3D models borders editor and animation routes trace editor. Mehr…