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Kategorie Desktop / Sonstige (Filter: Freeware)

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Start Screen Unlimited

Unleash the full capabilities of your Windows 8 Start Screen! Start Screen Unlimited brings Start Screen customization to the next level. Add digital clock, Google search, power controls and numerous other gadgets directly to your start screen. With Start Screen Unlimited, your imagination is your only limit! Try Start Screen Unlimited, and you'll never want the old Start Screen back! Mehr…


Mit diesem Programm machen Sie Ihren Computer zum Wecker! Mehr…


KeyFreeze blocks your keyboard and mouse so your kids can safely watch cartoons or have a Skype videochat with their grandparents. Simple as that - keyboard blocker & mouse blocker for Windows. Mehr…


Surpriise is a joke program, incredible desktop entertainment, which brings a lot of fun to your kids, and the entire family or friends. This cute absolutely free program is a little gift for you, your friends and relatives. Available for Windows XP/2003/Vista. Mehr…

Desktop Christmas Tree

If you have started redecorating your apartment for Christmas and New Year, you may want to do the same to your computer desktop. Get free Christmas tree for your desktop. Mehr…


Die Maus ist das wohl meist beanspruchte Eingabegerät. Was sie wirklich Tag für Tag leistet, verrät dieses kleine Programm namens Mousometer. Es gibt ständig Auskunft über zurückgelegte Strecke sowie die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit des Mauszeigers. Mausklicks und Höchstgeschwindigkeit werden ebenso erfasst. Mehr…