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Total Doc Converter

Doc Converter converts Doc/DocX/TXT/DocM/RVF files to PDF, HTML, XLS, JPG, TIFF, or Text in batch. It preserves original document's layout as well as document properties. Total Doc Converter is very flexible and has lots of different settings to achieve perfect results. Transparent interface makes it easy even for a beginner to figure out how it works. Download your free trial copy to professionally convert DOC files via GUI or command line. Mehr…

7-PDF Maker Portable

Mobilität ist wichtiger den je! Portable Programme sind Richtig für jede Art mobiler Büroarbeit. 7-PDF schliesst eine Lücke, und ermöglicht einmalig leistungsstarke PDF-Erzeugung auch für USB-Sticks. Es konvertiert eine erstaunliche Anzahl verschiedener Datei- u. Bildformate nach PDF u. PDF/A-1, und bietet automatische Unterstützung für Hyperlinks, Inhaltsverzeichnisse, Bildkompression und einer 128bit starken Passwort- u. Rechteverschlüsselung. Mehr…

DiskInternals Excel Recovery

DiskInternals Excel Recovery is designed specifically to find and recover Microsoft Excel XLS (XLSX)spreadsheets safely and securely, no matter how badly your hard drive or the file system are damaged. If you deleted an XLS or XLSX file, it looks up the file system to find all deleted XLS files, and test each file for successful recovery. If your hard drive crashed or if the file system is corrupt, it scans the hard drive's surface. Mehr…

ReaSoft PDF Printer Server Edition

ReaSoft PDF Printer Server Edition is a server-based version of our PDF printer intended for use in a multi-user server environment. This means that once installed on a server, it can be freely accessed by all users of the network. The major advantage is that all users get all capabilities of ReaSoft PDF Printer Standard simply by being a part of the network, while the control over the printer settings is handled by administrators. Mehr…

Adolix Split and Merge PDF

Adolix Split and Merge PDF is a free product that helps you manage your PDF documents. You can merge PDF files and split PDF documents into multiple files following a custom pattern similar to Word printing. Using our freeware you can combine encrypted PDF files with just a few mouse clicks and mix two PDF files in seconds. Mehr…

Personnel Organizer Pro

Personnel Organizer Pro is a flexible personnel management software for Windows users. Our software solution gives you an easy way to gather, organize and manage information about all employees in your company or organization. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use personnel management solutions make it easy to set up and use. Mehr…