Kategorie Büro / Buchhaltung & Finanzen (Filter: Cardware)
Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Filter löschen
Express Accounts für Mac
Version: 12.01 | Freeware

Dies ist ein Buchhaltungsprogramm für Kleinunternehmen für Mac. Sie können für ein einzelnes oder mehrere Unternehmen ein- und ausgehende Kapitalflüsse verfolgen und ausweisen, inklusive Verkäufe, Einnahmen, Zahlungen und Einkäufe. Journaleinträge für Zahlungen, Einkäufe, Einnahmen und Einlagen erstellen. Standardberichte beinhalten Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung und Bilanzen mit der Fähigkeit, aus der Anwendung E-Mails oder Faxe zu senden. Mehr…
K 2007XP DB Business Mac
Version: 12 | Demo

Vom Angebot bis zur Mahnung mit umfangreichen Statistikfunktionen, Webviewing sowie Balkenchart, Bestellwesen von der Anfrage bis zur Erinnerung, Email, Serienmail. Dazu Geburtstage mit Bild und Ton. Das Programm beherrscht vom einfachen Brief über Serienbrief alle Funktionen die ein Büroalltag bringt. Umfangreiche Indexsuche. Auftragsüberwachung mit farblicher Kennung. Sprachmessage, Besuchskalender. Mit Filemaker Go auch Iphone Unterstützung. Mehr…
Online Tax Pros
Version: 1 | Shareware (12,95 USD)

Take the pain out of tax time with quick and easy online tax preparation and direct e-filing to the IRS with Online Tax Pros. Online Tax Pros lets you prepare your federal tax return for free. We are also an Authorized IRS e-file Provider. Therefore, you can get your refund in as little as 8-15 days when you e-file. Professional tax advice and extensions are available. File tax with Online Tax Pros it's easy, fast, and IRS approved. Mehr…
ManagePLUS Gold for QuickBooks
Version: 3 | Shareware (229,00 USD)

ManagePLUS is a management reporting add-on for QuickBooks, emphasizing cost- and profit-center reporting for Classes, plus special quantity handling & reporting features: (1) Detailed Class breakdowns in the P&L. (2) Supports TWO quantities per transaction! (3) Per-unit income & cost reporting for quantities. (4) Spreadsheet-based reports let you play "what-if" in any report. WORKS WITH: U.S. editions of QuickBooks 2003 and later. Mehr…
Accurate Printer Monitor
Version: | Shareware (55,00 EUR)

Our software enables organizations to keep track, monitor and log of all printing jobs as well as the employee who printed them severally. The bang-up function that comes with our print logging application is that it points out the employees using the printers most oft, as well as the num. of pages they have been printing off. Accurate Printer Monitor: an all-in-one software for printers logging at an affordable price! Mehr…
Magic Forex Intuition
Version: | Shareware (99,95 USD)

Magic Forex Intuition training software is designed to develop intuition to work at Forex. Everyday training will help you to correctly determine the correct currency exchange rate trend. The software offers the user to guess further price movement (up or down) from the starting line (i.e. the closing price of the previous bar). The right trend is the one where the price goes over a certain number of points from the starting line (e.g. 50 points) Mehr…
Mortgage Rates
Version: 1 | Freeware

The Mortgage Rates Widget is a mortgage rate tracking widget that can be placed on any Web page by just copying and pasting a small bit of HTML. Attractive and easy-to-use, Mortgage Rates Widget displays summary information for users who want quick mortgage rate updates, plus rate trend data for more advanced users, making it a sought-after tool for any seller, buyer, or refinancer needing timely mortgage rate data. Mehr…
Version: 3.5.23 | Shareware (19,95 EUR)

Reisekostenabrechnung nach den aktuellen gesetzlichen Regelungen gültig ab 01.01.1999 bis gültig ab 01.01.2023 für Reisen in Deutschland und im Ausland. Einfache und komfortable Erfassung von Dienst- und Privatfahrten und dienstlichen Ausgaben, unterteilt nach Bezahlung sofort und auf Rechnung. Mehrere Benutzer, mehrere Fahrzeuge und -typen können verwaltet werden. Mehr…
Asset Manager Enterprise Edition
Version: 4.3.1007 | Shareware (799,00 USD)

Never lose track of your assets again - Implement Asset Management in your business with Asset Manager 2025. Print barcode labels for your assets and check them in/out to employees, or track your assets by their existing barcodes. Attach Owner's Manuals, service logs, and more to maintain a complete history for each of your assets. Asset Manager 2025 is easy to use and you can get started quickly. Visit us at: http://www.kzsoftware.com. Mehr…
Peachtree Password Recovery
Version: 1.0g | Shareware (29,95 EUR)

Peachtree Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords for Peachtree Accounting company files. All passwords are recovered instantly regardless of length. Multilingual passwords are supported. Mehr…
Purchase Order Organizer Deluxe
Version: 4.21 | Shareware (75,00 USD)

Purchase Order Organizer Deluxe is a flexible purchase order management software for Windows users. Our software solution helps all kinds of companies and organizations to create, process, and track purchases. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use purchase order management solution make it easy to set up and use. Mehr…
Vladovsoft Fitorg
Version: 7.0.2 | Shareware (249,00 USD)

Vladovsoft Fitorg is an easy to use gym management software. It lets you easily track all membership details, bookings, deliveries and sales in your club, which makes it an ideal solution for gyms, health clubs, fitness centers, etc. When you start the program for the first time enter 'admin' for username and 'admin' for password to log in. Mehr…