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Pop-up Excel Calendar / Excel Date Picke

Pop-up Excel Calendar is a date picker for Microsoft Excel. It is seamlessly integrated with Excel and pops up a calendar when you activate a date cell. You pick or select a date from the calendar that pops up, instead of typing the date value manually, thus saving time and avoiding format mistake. The calendar can be activated in various ways, such as the value or format of the cell, or the label or value of the above cell. All are configurable. Mehr…

PDF2Word Converter (7-PDF)

PDF zu Word Konverter zum direkten Umwandeln von PDF Dokumenten nach DOC und RTF. Die Software besticht durch eine herausragende, layouterhaltene Qualität in der Umwandlung von PDF Inhalten nach Word, OpenOffice und LibreOffice. Komplexe PDF Inhalte werden so exakt in Word direkt editierbar. Mehr…

ID Card Generator

software generates and prints the voucher and gift tags that are perfect to gift Employee, Friends on any kind of day like Foundation day, Birthday, New Year etc. We can design the discount coupon with provided tools that can managed by user/creator. This software includes batch processing option by using them we can generate multiple voucher, label of same templates, tools and properties with some easy process and method at the same time. Mehr…

Greeting Card Maker Software

Greeting card maker tool gives an advance print setting to print the designed greeting card. Application allows design the card using predefine templates. Programs provides email feature to send designed cards on specified email address. User can set the card name and size according to need. Software has contains label properties such as image, gradient, style. Print preview option is available to crosscheck before printing greeting cards. Mehr…

Birthday Cards Maker Software

Birthday Greeting Cards Software generates and prints the high quality greeting cards that are perfect to wish our family, friends and relatives on their birthday. We can design the birthday card with the provided tools and properties that can be managed by us. Software include batch processing and series option using them we can generate multiple cards, labels of same design using templates, tools and properties with some easy process and method Mehr…

7-PDF Maker

Der komfortable PDF Creator unterstützt aktuell eine erstaunliche Anzahl an Datei- und Grafikformaten. Er ist bekannt dafür diese direkt nach PDF und PDF /A-1 konvertieren zu können, ohne Ghostscript oder die Installation eines PDF-Druckers dafür zu benötigen. Im Setup kann zudem entschieden werden ob zusätzlich eine Command Line Version für den DOS-Modus, sowie eine Windows-Explorer Shell Integration mitinstalliert werden soll. Mehr…