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Category Business / PIMS & Calendars

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Notesbrowser Deutsch

Notesbrowser is a helpful, fast-access tool for making and storing quick notes and organize information. The Freeform Organizer has and many fields, where you can store, for example, to-do-lists or bookmarks. A integrated search function allows it to find your entries. A number of cool skins are available, to change the surface the way you prefer. More…

Address Book Master

Address book converter, transfer/copy contacts from one PIM/file to another. Supported PIMs: Outlook, Lotus Notes, Thunderbird, Novell Groupwise, Tobit David, Palm Desktop, Windows address book,... Files: vcf, csv, pdf, ldif, mab, adr, nbu, pbo Additional import from: iTunes (iPhone, iPod, iPad), Nokia (PC/OVI) Suite, Excel, Spicebird, The Bat, Eudora, Opera, Saemonkey Additional export to: Word, Excel, Open Office, pdf, rtf file More…

VueMinder Ultimate

Access your Google Calendar, even when offline, directly on your Windows desktop. Events are extended with support for additional reminder types and user-defined custom fields. Events, tasks, notes, and contacts can be linked with each other, helping you to make sense of your data and access related items with minimal effort. All data can be shared over a local network, allowing your office to run more efficiently. Easy to learn and free to try. More…

Interactive Calendar

Interactive Calendar software is a free, feature-packed and extremely customizable desktop calendar that is a pleasure to use and look at. Unlike the majority of its direct competitors, this calendar software renders the calendar grid right on the wallpaper, considerably increasing the speed of refreshes/updates. The calendar has several views and allows you easily create and manage tasks, specifying their duration, order and other parameters. More…

Power Phone Book Enterprise Edition

Power Phones Book presents new generation of organizers. It alongside with standard for modern organizers by possibilities, in addition allows the owner, at desire, adjust the access to data through Intranet, from any point of world. Providing herewith high degree of safety of Your data. FireBird server used in given development as database engine, is a modern entailment InterBase SQL Server. More…

MemoMaster Portable-Edition

MemoMaster ist ein hierarchisch strukturiertes Ablagesystem fuer Texte und Kalkulationen jeder Art. Die Gliederung der Word-, Excel-kompatiblen Wissensdatenbank erfolgt in der bewaehrten Baumstruktur. Es koennen Tabellen, Formulare und Bilder eingefuegt sowie miteinander verlinkt werden. Neben der Volltextsuche kann auch nach Schlagworten gefiltert werden. Alle neuen Funktionen der Version 5: More…