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Category Business / PIMS & Calendars

Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source

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Planen Sie Urlaube, Gleittage, Dienstreisen und Schichtarbeiten auf einfachste Weise in ansprechender grafischer Darstellung. More…

Power Notes

The program Power Notes is a desktop notes organizer, reminder and scheduler for Windows you to create electronic stickers and display them when the time is due. The program is very easy to use and has low system requirements. The scheduler stays in the tray and does not interfere with your activities. If necessary, it can be displayed as a small toolbar on the desktop. All the parameters you may need to change are customizable. More…

Advanced Diary

If you are looking for journal software, then look no further than Advanced Diary; a complete solution for anyone who wants to have a private, digital diary. This diary software supports multiple diaries stored in a single database file, making it unique amongst such programs. Full rich text formatting, audio and video recording are also supported and the program may also be run straight from a USB flash drive or other media. More…

SF Kalender

SF Kalender provides and prints 25 different calendar types, which can be individually changed. With few Klicks fastidious calendars with holidays and own dates are provided. A picture export is likewise possible. More…

Quick To-Do Pro

Quick To-Do Pro is an award-winning small and easy-to-use organizer with a strong focus on to-do list management. It can act as project-management software, letting you assign tasks to any user-defined project and/or to a person responsible for a task. Moreover, it will keep your diary; remind you of anniversaries, holidays, and birthdays. Quick To-Do Pro is regarded as the best to-do list organizer by users in 70+ countries. More…

Heyer's Kalender-Studio

Es können (mehrsprachige) Wochen-, Monats- oder Jahreskalender entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Heyer's Kalender-Studio schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Kalender kann frei gestaltet. Das Programm kann BMP-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Verwaltung bzw. Berechnung von Feiertagen, Ferien, Terminen, Mondphase etc.. Eine ausführliche Programm-Hilfe ist vorhanden. More…