Category System Utilities / System Maintenance
NTFS Partition Recovery
Version: | Shareware (USD 69.00)
Windows hard disk drive deleted formatted NTFS partition data recovery software recover restore damaged lost partitioned volume MBR master boot record root directory MFT master file table boot sector. Retrieval utility rescue 11,10 and 8 ntfs file system corrupted files folders. Data restoration tool retrieve undelete not detected inaccessible disk due to hardware malfunction virus attacks boot failure support SCSI ATA SATA IDE EIDE USB More…
Memory card Data Recovery Software
Version: | Shareware (USD 69.00)
USB Memory card data recovery software restore undelete damaged formatted deleted images pictures photos songs music photographs audio video jpg jpeg mpg mpeg mov bmp mp3 avi midi 3gp jpg. Utility support windows 11,10 and 8 recover directories retrieve corrupted secure digital sd xD multimedia card compact flash storage media PDA mmc smart cards. Tool unformat unerase files folders rescue pc laptop mobile phone handheld devices More…
NTFS Partition Recovery
Version: | Shareware (USD 69.00)
Windows hard disk drive deleted formatted NTFS partition data recovery software recover restore damaged lost partitioned volume MBR master boot record root directory MFT master file table boot sector. Retrieval utility rescue 11,10 and 8 ntfs file system corrupted files folders. Data restoration tool retrieve undelete not detected inaccessible disk due to hardware malfunction virus attacks boot failure support SCSI ATA SATA IDE EIDE USB More…
Version: 9.30.2024.1217 | Freeware
BootRacer saves your time by taking control over startup programs. You can easily disable the startup of any program without any risk to your PC, because BootRacer is completely safe. And most importantly, BootRacer makes it easy to revert any changes you make, by giving you up to 1,000 undo steps. Also you can customize the initiation order of startup programs and monitors your boot time changes. More…
Apeaksoft iPhone Eraser
Version: 1.0.26 | Shareware (USD 14.95)
With Apeaksoft iPhone Eraser, you could clean up your iOS devices via deleting junk files, uninstalling apps you no longer use. In addition, you are able to delete large files, back up/compress your photos or export/delete your photos. Moreover, you could choose to erase all the data in your iOS devices. More…
Ashampoo HDD Control 3
Version: 3.20.00 | Shareware (EUR 30.00)
Ashampoo HDD Control 3 jogs the long memory of your PC - your hard disk. Lower access times, remove resource hogs, prevent data loss and detect signs of failure early on. More…
PC Win Booster Free
Version: | Freeware
PC Win Booster Free is a free disk utility designed to help you keep your disk clean by removing any unnecessary folders and files. Usually, these unnecessary, or junk files appear as a result of program's incomplete uninstalls, Temporary Internet Files, Recycle Bin Files and Unused Empty Folder. PC Win Booster Free, with its intuitive and easy to use interface, helps you quickly wipe out all the junk files. More…
BackProtection Festplattenreiniger II
Version: 2.7 | Shareware (EUR 14.99)
Im Laufe der Zeit belegen temporäre Dateien, Downloads und überquellende Browsercaches immer mehr Festplattenspeicher.
Hier schafft der "BackProtection Festplattenreiniger" Abhilfe. Mit wenigen Klicks bereinigt er Ihre Festplatte und jedes beliebige andere Laufwerk. More…
Version: 2 | Freeware
PCISniffer performs a complete PCI-diagnosis. It reports device and vendor names as well as other PCI device information in plain text. This information can also be transmitted over a serial port. By being operating system independent PCISniffer makes available the unaltered PCI-configuration. ISO image for making a bootable CD included. More…
My Phone Support
Version: 1.1 | Freeware
Get tech support from My Phone Support using our new app. Just download, install, and connect to an agent for instant tech support right on your PC. Get help with viruses, software, drivers, and much much more. My Phone Support has a team of highly trained, certified technicians who can diagnose and repair dozens of PC issues. Just download and connect to get tech support now. More…
Version: 1.4 | Freeware
Mit diesem Programm kann man beim Start von Windows diverse temporäre Dateien und Ordner automatisch löschen lassen. Das Programm kann man durch eine Verknüpfung in der Autostart-Gruppe oder als Systemdienst starten. Die Datei(en) oder Ordner, die gelöscht werden sollen, gibt man in der Datei "TempDelete.ini" an. Es können Platzhalter (*.*) verwendet werden. Weiterhin kann man noch einige Optionen für den Löschvorgang bestimmen. More…
Service Manager
Version: 4.6 | Freeware
Service Manager is a tool for quick control of Windows Services. It allows fast access to all running and installed Windows Services and Drivers. You can inspect their properties, start, stop and pause them. It's even possible to remove services completely from the Registry if you have problems un-installing them with the original setup program. You can connect to remote computers and do all this on the remote PC. More…