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Category Desktop / Other


Solve window clutter, speed-launch desktop shortcuts and access icons on your computer desktop easily. With just one mouse click you'll get a small copy of your desktop with all shortcuts and icons. Another click will launch a shortcut. No need to minimize or move windows around. No need for Start menu exploration. No playing hide-and-seek with your windows. All it takes is one click on DESKonTOP icon, and one more click to launch a shortcut! More…

Universal Desktop Ruler

Univerasl Desktop Ruler allows you to measure not only a straight line distance but any curved distance on the Screen. It allows you to measure quickly and accurately distances, areas and perimeters of figures on the screen. You can determine your own scale and get results in pixels and your units of measurement (feet, inches, meters, ...). It is useful for measuring distance and area on a map, finding area and perimeter in a house project. More…

Active Tray

Active Tray is ground-breaking software which finally allows you to transform your meager Windows System Tray into the most important and useful area of your screen! Go ahead; add programs, documents, folders, internet links, and more! Now imagine adding hotkeys, cascading popup menus, and password protection - and it's all right there, at your fingertips! Get your copy of Active Tray today and watch your productivity skyrocket! More…

Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro

The software displays a unique virtual keyboard on the screen and enables you to use the mouse cursor or the touch screen to type text in any available language. The rich functionality and ergonomics of Comfort On-Screen Keyboard will be especially appreciated by the owners of ultra-mobile PCs (UMPCs), tablet PCs and e-kiosk creators, as it provides an easy way or facilitating user input and making it more efficient. Download it free now. More…

enormasoft Desktop Plus

Desktop Plus räumt auf Ihrem Desktop auf. Mit diesem Tool lassen sich Gruppen erstellen, in die Sie Ihre Verknüpfungen per Drag & Drop ziehen und thematisch ordnen können. Wie diese Gruppen aussehen sollen, können Sie selbst bestimmen. Das Öffnen der Verknüpfungen kann, je nach Einstellung, durch nur einen Klick erfolgen. Mit einem Klick Herunterfahren, Neustarten oder Abmelden ist kein Problem.Auch Merkzettel können Sie sich erstellen. More…


Mit diesem Programm machen Sie Ihren Computer zum Wecker! More…