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Category Home & Hobby / Health & Nutrition (Filter: Evaluation)


Gesundheits-Master wird alles rund um Ihre Gesundheit erfassen und verwalten.Erfasst werden alle Arztbesuche mit Diagnose- und Laborwerten, Befunden, Medikamenten, ob die Medikamente hilfreich waren oder ob es Nebenwirkungen gab, Überweisungen zu Fachärzten, Kosten für Arzt und Medikamente.Ebenso können Sie Ihre häusliche Blutdruck-, Diabetes- oder Körpergewichtskontrolle erfassen und auswerten. More…

JX Ovulation Calendar

JX Ovulation Calendar is an easy and user-friendly ovulation calculator for women. The program calculates your fertile days and considers your menstrual cycle's possible fluctuations to help you avoid unwanted pregnancy or find out the most prospective days for conceiving a boy or girl. The program will notify you of important changes in your menstrual cycle. More…

DDxHub Differential Diagnosis Hub

DDxHub is a concentrator that holds a lot of disease descriptions. DDxHub is useful when you try to find a right diagnosis by comparing several different possible diagnoses. You may enter your own disease definition into DDxHub repository and share the disorder descriptions with other DDxHub users around the world. In turn, you will be updated with disorder descriptions from other DDxHub users. More…

SoftOrbits Ovulation Calendar

An ovulation calendar is a perfect possibility for women who are trying to prevent unwanted pregnancy using natural birth control methods. However, it can also be effective for the opposite task, in which women want to get pregnant as soon as possible. Once you have entered your menstrual details, the ovulation calendar will tell you through a color coded and easy to use calendar which days or your safe days in which days are you ovulating. More…


Wie wichtig es ist, auf seinen Blutdruck zu achten, beweist die Medizin: Unerkannter Bluthochdruck ist einer der großen Risikofaktoren für Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen. Deshalb sollten auch Sie über Ihren Blutdruck stets im Bilde sein und genau über Ihre Werte Bescheid wissen. Dabei kann Ihnen der Blutdruck-Daten-Manager enorm helfen! In weniger als 20 Sekunden pro Tag können Sie Ihre Messwerte erfassen! More…

SpeechGym Mobile

SpeechGym is a stuttering therapy software aimed to help people with stuttering problem control their speech fluency keeping a confidence. SpeechGym is a significant fluency enhancer. It implements Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) technique. Basically the program records your voice from a microphone, delays it by a number of milliseconds, and plays the delayed sound back through headphones. More…