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Category Graphic Apps / Editors

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Geocode digital photos, including RAW. Stamp the images or write (lossless) to the EXIF. Create web pages using Google Maps, export KML/KMZ files to Google Earth, upload to Flickr, export shapefiles (SHP), GPX, or AutoCAD DXF files. Supports Garmin GPS units (USB or COM), but no GPS is required. Geotag from a tracklog, waypoints, NMEA, placenames or a GPX file. UTM and MGRS support. Easy to use. Free lifetime upgrades. More…


SnipSVG is a screen capture and image editing utility, designed to be really simple to use and very fast. Plenty of clever helper functions such as auto-remembered styling and a favorites gallery deliver stunning results with just a few mouse clicks. When you look a bit deeper, however, you notice that SnipSVG contains a wide range of powerful image editing tools that you don't find in other screen capture applications. Crop screenshots, blur sensitive information, physically resize large photos More…

AKVIS Enhancer

AKVIS Enhancer is image enhancement software that improves detail on an image, no matter what was the cause of the unsharpness. Enhancer works in four modes. The program detects detail in underexposed, overexposed and mid tone areas of a photo with uneven exposure. It brings into focus blurred images. The program is available as a standalone application and as a plugin to a photo editor. More…

ACD VideoMagic

This automatic digital video software analyzes your video content for color, texture, motion and human faces to find the most exciting moments. It also analyzes your music for tempo and rhythm. The combined digital video production matches the motion and transitions in your original clips with the beat of your music. ACD Video Magic then creates a professional looking music video from your soundtrack, video clips, and images in just minutes. More…

Heyer's Visitenkarten

Mit dem Programm können Visitenkarten entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Heyer's Visitenkarten schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Anwender kann in weitem Rahmen die Visitenkarten frei gestalten. Das Programm kann Bitmap-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Adress-Daten können in einer separaten Datei verwaltet werden. Es steht eine ausführliche Online-Hilfe zur Verfügung. More…

Heyer's Karten-Studio

Mit dem Programm können Einladungen, Gruß- und Glückwunschkarten etc. entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Heyer's Karten-Studio schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Anwender kann in weitem Rahmen die Karte frei gestalten. Das Programm kann Bitmap-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Mit integrierter Seriendruck-Funktion. Es steht eine ausführliche Online-Hilfe zur Verfügung. More…