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Category Education / Teaching & Training Tools (Filter: Full version)


Beurteilungs-Manager ist eine Datenbankanwendung mit integrierter Textverarbeitung. Es bietet mit seinen vielfältigen Satzbeispielen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten Ihre Schulberichte schneller, abwechslungsreicher und personalisiert zu gestalten. Die umfassende Software dient der Erstellung von Schülerbeurteilungen, Zeugnissen, Arbeitszeugnissen und Prakikantenberichten. More…

Talking Dictionary

Encyclopedic talking dictionary and thesaurus. Uses built in speech or existing screen reader. Contains 250,000 word entries and is browsable. Database includes place names, historical figures, slang and jargon. Updated with over 8500 new words. Can be used with other programs or as a standalone program. CD version supplied with 4 free useful and fun talking products. Now at half price for a very limited time! More…

TimeChimes Pro Automated Audio Player

TimeChimes will play a sound or sounds at pre-scheduled times of day on each day of the week. Typically, TimeChimes can used to play school bells or shift-time sounds in factories, churches or businesses. It can also be used for other applications where you want a sound to play at preset times. Includes 9 pre-recorded bell type sounds. Supports dual week cycles. More…

MM3-TeachingMachine - Lernen mit dem Handy

Study when and where you always would like with your mobile smartphone and lessons of your own. The teaching machine is your personal vocabulary trainer. Choose between studying short-time for an examination or store the facts permanently into your long-term memory. You design your learning process effectively and highly efficient with that. You simply can create questions+answers at your PC. You build up your personal knowledge at the same time. More…

Teacher Organizer Deluxe

Teacher Organizer Deluxe for Windows: easy-to-use database management software that helps you to organize your school/teacher data. Enter, manage, track, and organize small class library, class inventory, student contact records, todo notes, incident reports, and more. More…

Guitar Speed Trainer

If you want to play FAST... if you want to play scales, patterns, licks, and solos at burning speeds... the Guitar Speed Trainer is a play-along training software (Windows and Mac) that will help you achieve that goal. With 20 minutes a day of practice, in a few weeks you will be playing with more speed and precision that you ever imagined possible. Includes training on alternate picking, semi-alternate picking, sweep picking, tapping, and other exotic techniques. More…