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Category Business / Databases & Tools (Filter: Demo)

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PC-Addressdatabase for Windows32 multilingual with Database for Picture ( z.B. Passfoto ) and Adressdata, Searchfunction, interface to Winword, Excel, Notepad, printpreview etc. With extensive extensive assistance Olinemanual and Onlinehelp. 70 different layouts (5 intern 65 extern). Reduced Testversion. Full version EUR 20.-- US$ 20.-- More…

DTM Data Generator

DTM Data Generator is a tool that generates data for database testing. Currently, database developers and DBA often have to spend hours of work to create test data before examining database performance. This tool makes all this unnecessary by automatically creating test data rows, database tables and schema objects (views, triggers) by template. The tool resolves foreign keys and order of tables automatically. Also: SQL, text, JSON, XML output. More…


Mit Hausenergie-Master können Sie sich auf einfache Art und Weise einen Überblick über die Energiebilanz Ihres Hauses oder Ihrer Wohnung verschaffen.Hausenergie-Master wird Ihnen mit wenig Aufwand das Erfassen und Auswerten Ihrer Verbrauchswerte von Strom, Gas, Wasser oder Heizöl in Ihrem Haushalt ermöglichen. Analysieren Sie monatlich Ihre häuslichen Verbrauchswerte mit Hausenergie-Master, um Schwachstellen zu erkennen und zu beseitigen. More…

DBF Recovery

If your dbf databases have been broken, your database software won't work. You will get an error message or see gibberish instead of your valuable data. However, you may be in luck! DBF Repair Tool from HiBase Group can repair your dbf file. Unlike most of the competitors, DBF Recovery not only fixes headers but also analyzes actual data structures and tries to fix them too. More…

DBF to MDB (Access)

The DBF to MDB (Access) program allows you to convert your dbf files to MDB (Microsoft Access) format. MDB format is the most frequently used format, but sometimes Access is unable to open DBF files or damages them. Besides, MS Access does not understand long Character fields (more than 255 characters). The DBF to MDB (Access) program decides these problems. The program supports dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, VFP and dBase Level 7 formats. More…

DTM Data Modeler

DTM Data Modeler is a CASE tool for database developers that supports both forward and reverse engineering. It is an easy-to-use tool allowing you to work both with logical and physical data models in the form of an entity-relationship (IDEF1X) diagram. The product is intended for database architects and developers and works with data sources via the ODBC, OLE DB, IDAPI or Oracle Call Interface, which means compatibility with all modern DBMS. More…