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Category Security & Privacy / Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools (Filter: Shareware)

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Evidence Destructor

When you are using your computer for day to day activities, it collects all sorts of information about where you go on the internet, which sites you visit. Details on forms you fill up. All other programs are storing information about the recent documents and files you opened and so on. This information represents danger to you if it is discovered by your family or your boss at work. To protect yourself, use Evidence Destructor. More…


QMailFilter is an easy-to-use Microsoft Office Outlook 97 to 2010 add-on designed to provide an advanced intelligent protection against spammers, viruses and dangerous HTML code (Web-bugs). QMailFilter uses Bayesian filtering technology that identifies about 99% of incoming spam messages and it contains one before-trained filter as basic data base and this trained filter identifies between 90-99% of incoming advertising emails. More…

SPAMfighter Exchange Module

SPAMfighter Exchange module (SEM) is flexible and easy-to-use anti-spam/anti virus solution for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003/2007/2010/2013 or Microsoft Small Business server. SEM will fight both ingoing, outgoing and internal spam. SEM also includes a handy diagnostics feature and disclaimers. More…

Email Sentinel Pro Email AntiVirus

Stop and quarantine any incoming email which contain email viruses, worms or exploit scripts... intercept emails before they reach your Inbox email folders... reduce the infection risk to zero... suspect attachments are password protected... choose which attachment types to block and which to allow... easily create safe senders list. More…

Anti-Spy.Info adware remover

Anti-Spy.Info is your security and personal privacy tool that detects and removes spyware, trojans, keyloggers and adware. It complements your firewall and anti-virus software. Anti-Spy.Info tells you every hidden function of all dynamic link library, system task and threat currently active on your computer. Anti-Spy.Info stops keylogger or other hacker tools and protects from trojans that stealthy add an autostart key. More…


Mit SuperSpamKiller entfernen Sie lästige Spam-Mails (Werbemails), mit Viren, Würmern und Dialern versehene E-Mails aus Ihren Mail-Postfächern bevor Sie Ihre E-Mails vom Server abholen. SuperSpamKiller prüft in regelmäßigen Abständen Ihre Postfächer, weißt Sie auf den Eingang neuer Nachrichten hin, kann eine SMS bei neuen E-Mails versenden und kann automatisch Spam-Mails anhand des Betreffs der E-Mail oder E-Mail-Header-Feldern löschen. More…