Category Education / Languages (Filter: Shareware)
Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Delete filter
Version: 2.2.3 | Shareware (EUR 19.95)
Dieses Programm is ideal als schulbuchunabhängiger Vokabeltrainer, der den gesamten Standardwortschatz der ersten drei Schuljahre Latein in 150 Lektionen bereits beinhaltet. Zudem kann der Wortschatz des Latein-Trainers auf einfache Weise beliebig bearbeitet und ergänzt werden. Mit dem auf der Internetseite des Herstellers ( kostenlos erhältlichen Latein-Wörterbuch kann innerhalb des Wortschatzes des Latein-Trainers gesucht werden. More…
Version: 2.4 | Demo (USD 25.00)
Automatically add IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) transcription to any English texts, edit the resulting text, copy it to an external program for additional editing or printing. Phonetizer automatically recognizes inflections of English verbs, nouns and adds transcription to whole texts instead of single words using a database of over 45,000 words' transcription. More…
Language Reader
Version: 2.01 | Freeware
Language Reader takes advantage of existing speech technologies, provides a richer on-screen reading experience with multilingual voices enabled. Supported voices are English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Korean. You can select text using your mouse, and hear the selected text being read by pressing a key on your keyboard. More…
VTrain (Vokabeltrainer) Free
Version: 5.5 | Freeware
VTrain helps you to learn the words of a foreign language with minimum effort. It draws up a schedule of spaced repetitions at growing intervals. Other features include multimedia edition, on-screen keyboards for 100 languages and file sharing across a network and over the Internet. VTrain has been adopted by 50 universities. More…
LingvoSoft FlashCards German <-> Czech for Pocket PC
Version: 1.3.20 | Shareware (USD 29.95)
Do you have the desire to learn 7000 foreign words in a short time and with the least amount of effort? Then LingvoSoft FlashCards German <-> Czech for Pocket PC is the best choice for you! It contains four exciting games which will help you quickly expand your vocabulary: Flash Cards, Pockets, Translation Test and Spell Check. The FlashCards vocabulary base is comprised of 3000 basic lexis and about 4000 special terminology words (units). More…
Stackz Standard Edition
Version: 7.0 | Shareware
The Stackz flashcard visualization concept helps to keep the overview over a large amount of words to be learned. The cards are graphically distributed according to the two characteristics 'mastery level' and 'date of the last mastery'. The Stackz system allows to learn any language or other items. With the PDA version of this program the words can be learned at any place, and synchronized with the PC later on. More…
Version: 2006 | Shareware
This is the handheld version of the popular Stackz flashcard organizer which is optimized for learning Japanese, Chinese and Korean. It brings the complete Stackz proficiency visualization system using colors to the PocketPC platform. Your handheld device becomes the ideal companion for short learning units on the road! Test results can be easily synchronized with the PC, where the content can be managed and extended. More…
Stackz Dictionary Edition
Version: 7.0 | Shareware
The Stackz flashcard visualization concept helps to keep the overview over a large amount of words to be learned. The cards are graphically distributed according to the two characteristics 'mastery level' and 'date of the last mastery'. Stackz is optimized for learning languages as Japanese, Chinese, Korean or Thai, but it is not limited to that. Built in tools automate the process of generating new wordlists from scratch or web resources. More…
Han Trainer Digital Flashcards (Chinesisch-Deutsch)
Version: 4.59 | Demo (EUR 14.95)
Learn Chinese words everywhere: Han Trainer Digital Flashcards are an ideal solution if you like to learn Chinese Characters directly from your mobile phone. Saves weight and money. !! English version available at !! More…
Vokabel King
Version: 1.00 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)
Mit diesem Programm können Sie beliebig viele Fremdsprachen lernen.
Neue Vokabeln, schnell und einfach selbst hinzufügen oder für andere Benutzer online veröffentlichen.
Dank der verschiedenen Traningsarten wird das Lernen zum Spaß.
Mit der Prüfungsfunktion können Sie einfach und schnell herausfinden, wie gut Sie bereits geworden sind!
Außerdem gibt es eine Topliste um Ihre Leistungen zu protokollieren! More…
Version: 5.0.48 | Freeware
LangOver helps in case you write some text and forgot to click ALT+SHIFT or CAPSLOCK. Annoying, eh?! That's because the keyboard layout was in a wrong language. LangOver will fix it. With LangOver 5.0 you'll be able to convert your text quickly between languages. Just Click "F10" and your text will be fixed! LangOver 5 is free and Supports ANY language! More…
Version: 1.1 | Freeware
Mit JapaneseStar ist es möglich, innerhalb kurzer Zeit die japanischen Alphabete Hiragana und Katakana zu erlernen. Man kann sich dabei sowohl die japanischen Zeichen anzeigen lassen, um sie dann in die romanische Schreibweise (Romaji) zu übertragen als auch von unserer Schrift ausgehen und das passende Symbol suchen.
Eine Auflistung aller Kana ist selbstverständlich dabei und ausdruckbar. More…