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Kategorie System Utilities / Sonstige (Filter: Shareware)

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Registry Healer

Registry cleanup tool. Over time, your main computer operating files named as 'Registry' can become large in size, loaded with obsolete and perhaps even corrupt entries. Treat these bloated files with Registry Healer to streamline them for speedy and stable performance. Registry Healer automatically suggests the best correction for each of invalid registry entries. You just need to press a key! Mehr…

Compare Suite

Die Möglichkeit, Dokumenten Wort für Wort zu vergleichen, wurde für Dateien gleicher Abstammung entwickelt. Es ist nützlich, wenn Sie zwei gleiche Dokumente haben. Benutzen Sie den Wort-für-Wort-Vergleich, um die Anzahl der Änderungen festzustellen und zu analysieren, ob diese Änderungen korrekt sind. Mehr…


An easy to use Windows program that allows the monitoring of laptop computer batteries and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Graphically see the battery charge / discharge rate, diagnose problem battery cells, compare your batteries performance with expected discharge rates and see the status of each individual battery pack (when multiple batteries are in use). More than 20 statistics are provided including voltage, chemistry and capacity. Mehr…


Hex-Editor für Dateien, Datenträger und RAM mit einer Fülle von Funktionen: Verketten, Zerlegen, Verschmelzen, Analysieren, Konvertieren und Vergleichen von Dateien, Such- und Ersetzen-Funktionen, Daten-Dolmetscher, Editieren mit Schablonen, Verschlüsselung, Automatisierung, Backups, Klonen von Datenträgern, Disk-Images, Drucken u.v.a.m. Der Disk-Editor unterstützt Disketten, Festplatten, CD-ROM- und DVD-Laufwerke. Mehr…


DiaryOne is a creative multimedia diary keeper software for storing your private information securely. DiaryOne can store not only texts but also multimedia information including sounds, pictures, etc. It also provides various skins and stationeries for your diaries. You can select a diary skin as you like. Even, you can send your diary to others as email. Mehr…

Odbc 4 All

Allows any application, including DOS apps and batch files, to easily run SQL queries using any ODBC data source, (Access, MySql, Oracle, Informix, ...) redirecting the output to the screen, an ascii file / table or a DBF table. Can be used in standalone mode and/or inside a 3rd party application, with or without user intervention. Mehr…