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Kategorie System Utilities / Sonstige (Filter: Shareware)

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Computer control with simple hand gestures near a webcam and voice commands. The freeware app provides gestural and vocal computer control and navigation by emulating the actions usually performed with a mouse or touchpad: pointer movement, clicks, double-clicks, drags and scrolls. Works on Microsoft Windows with regular and laptop webcams. Disabled people may also use head movements for added accessibility. Does not require installation. Mehr…

Touchpad Blocker

Touchpad is very useful device, but it's usually located right under your hands when you are typing. Accidental touch by palm moves caret to another place of text! That's why Touchpad Blocker is a must have software for notebook owners who prefer to use touchpad instead of mouse or other pointing devices. Software helps the user to type text as fast as possible by locking mouse events during a small period after any key were pressed. Mehr…


Typeeto is a versatile app that enables you to use your Mac keyboard as a Bluetooth keyboard for other devices such as iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, Android device, etc. Use a full-scale keyboard to type in a text and it will be displayed real-time on your device screen. You do not need to install any other apps on your device – just connect it to Mac and start typing. You can also assign a hotkey for each specific device. Mehr…

eBooksWriter PRO

Build your ebook(s) with ease with this professional all-in-one tool: editor protector packer and compiler. Pack a compact self installing EXE with one click, or create AEH, EPUB, MOBI for handheld PCs, smartphones, Kindle, Sony, etc. Several protections available: print and clipboard copy disabling; password(s) for different groups of pages / users; expiry date... Full text/keyword search. Audio, video, frames, hot spots, popups... Mehr…

JoystickCursor Control Tool

Dieses Programm simuliert mit einem Joystick die Tastatur- und Maustasten. Ein Joystickknüppel samt Joysticktasten kann bis zu 128 Tastaturtasten ersetzen. Die gleichzeitige Verwendung mehrerer Joysticks ist ebenfalls möglich. Ideal, um mit dem Browser im Internet zu stöbern oder im Dateimanager herumzuwandern. Auch für Windows-Spiele, die den Joystick nicht direkt unterstützen oder für elektronische Interfaces am Joystickport brauchbar. Mehr…

SoftDigi Smart USB

SoftDigi Smart-USB nimmt einen innovativen Ansatz zur Bereitstellung von USB-Malware-Schutz. Es verfügt über eine hochgradig anpassbar und benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche in Form eines Geräte-Manager für alle angeschlossenen USB-Geräte, wie USB-Sticks und externen Festplattens. Der USB-Virenschutz-Software und enthalten Fehler Scanfunktion Hilfe, um sicherzustellen, dass keine Schadsoftware erreicht Ihren Computer von USB-Geräten. Mehr…