Kategorie Entwicklung / Delphi (Filter: Evaluation)
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Accuracer Database System VCL
Version: 9 | Shareware (155,00 USD)

Kompakten Eingebettet Single-file Multi-User (file-server und Klienten-Server) SQL Datenbank-Engine, Ersatz für die BDE für Kylix, Delphi und C++Builder. Mehr…
AidAim Single File System
Version: 5 | Shareware (195,00 USD)

Stores files/folders in one OS file. Flexible on-the-fly compression. Transparent strong Rijndael encryption. Huge files support: more than 4 GB even on FAT-32. Full compatibility with standard Borland and WinAPI functions operating with files and folders. TFileStream interface to deal with files transparently stored within a single file. Progress indication for potentially slow operations. Recovering physically damaged files. Mehr…
AidAim SQLMemTable
Active Query Builder Delphi VCL Edition
Version: 1.13 | Freeware (195,00 USD)

Active Query Builder VCL Edition ist eine VCL-Komponente zur visuellen Erstellung von SQL-Abfragen. Seine Benutzerschnittstelle erinnert an MS Access, so dass sie den meisten Datenbankbenutzern bereits vertraut sein mag. AQB ist ein echter bidirektionaler SQL-Abfragegenerator, der visuelle Abfrageerstellung mit direkter Bearbeitung des SQL-Texts vereint. Er dient als stabiler Assistent bei Analyse und Programmbearbeitung von SQL-Abfragen. Mehr…
AidAim MsgCommunicator
Version: 6 | Shareware (295,00 USD)

Delphi / C++Builder messenger SDK for the easy creation of custom client/server (as well as peer-to-peer) instant messaging (IM) applications like ICQ, MSN, Jaber, AIM with data compression, strong encryption and advanced networking technologies to send/receive binary buffers, streams, and string messages. MsgCommunicator also includes messenger functionality to work with special objects like Users database, User Info, User's Contact Lists, etc. Mehr…
AidAim CryptoPressStream
Version: 6 | Shareware (255,00 USD)

CryptoPressStream is a streaming compression and encryption library. It provides transparent access to data stored in stream objects which are 100% compatible with TStream and have advanced functionality like progress event, Load/Save, and Lock/Unlock multi-thread methods. CryptoPressStream includes TCPSManager thread-safe component that provides an easiest setting of compression and encryption parameters, and contains a list of opened streams. Mehr…
F-IN-BOX, Delphi Edition
Version: 3.4 | Demo

TFlashPlayerControl is a Delphi / Builder / VCL component to enhance Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX features. Load movies from any TStream descendant (TResourceStream, TMemoryStream). Protect movies. Create Flash-enabled applications which are ready to work even when Flash Player ActiveX is not installed! Play FLV from any stream. Create translucency non-rectangle forms based on transparent Flash movies. Mehr…
CompressionMaster Suite
Version: 6.3 | Shareware (199,00 EUR)

CompressionMaster Suite is the most advanced data compression library available for Delphi and C++ Builder. The Suite includes three independent data compression products: Easy Compression Library, FlexCompress and ZipForge. Mehr…
Rt-Science Tools2D for Delphi
Version: | Shareware

Zusammenstellung von Komponenten für zweidimensionale Kartesische Plots: unbegrenzte Anzahl von Achsen (sekundäre), vielfältige Optionen für Skalierung, Gitter, Legende,auto- Skalierung, auto- Zoom, unbegrenzte Anzahl von Datensätzen, viele Linen und Punkt Stile. Label mit variablem Winkel und erweiterten Attributen wie hochgestellt, tief gestellt, fett zugehöriges erweitertes Edit-Feld Linen und Punkt Stil Auswahl-Komponenten Mehr…
Version: 11.9.491 | Shareware (999,00 USD)
novaPDF SDK is a PDF software development kit that can be used by software developers to include the ability to create PDF files in their own applications. It contains a COM interface for customizing novaPDF options, a silent installer for novaPDF that can be distributed with your software, novaPDF SDK documentation and code samples. Get the latest version from https://www.novapdf.com/novapdf-sdk.html Mehr…
TRichView for Delphi
Version: 23 | Shareware (385,00 EUR)
TRichView ist eine Suite von Delphi Komponenten zum anzeigen, editieren und drucken von Hypertext Dokumenten. Die Komponenten unterstützen verschiedene Attribute wie Schriftarten, farbiger Text, farbiger Hintergrund. Dokumente können Bilder enthalten, Delphi Steuerelemente. Export zu RTF oder HTML und mehr... ScaleRichView ist ein Satz von VCL-Komponenten für das WYSIWYG-Editieren. Mehr…
Version: 11 | Shareware
RVMedia is a set of Delphi VCL/FMX and Lazarus components having the following functions: receiving video from local web cameras and IP-cameras; configuring IP-cameras and controlling their rotation; reading sound from a microphone/video; sending and receiving video and audio data via the Internet; organizing video chats and video conferences (either as directly connected applications or using a client-server model), recording video/audio files. Mehr…