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7-PDF Maker Portable

Mobilität ist wichtiger den je! Portable Programme sind Richtig für jede Art mobiler Büroarbeit. 7-PDF schliesst eine Lücke, und ermöglicht einmalig leistungsstarke PDF-Erzeugung auch für USB-Sticks. Es konvertiert eine erstaunliche Anzahl verschiedener Datei- u. Bildformate nach PDF u. PDF/A-1, und bietet automatische Unterstützung für Hyperlinks, Inhaltsverzeichnisse, Bildkompression und einer 128bit starken Passwort- u. Rechteverschlüsselung. Mehr…


PDFZilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert PDF files into editable MS Word Documents, MS Excel Tables, Rich Text Documents, Plain Text Files, Images, HTML Files, and Shockwave Flash SWF Files. PDZilla also allows users to rotate, cut and merge PDF files. Besides, the program can convert images like PNG, TIF, BMP or JPG to PDF files, which means users can simply create PDF files from images. Mehr…

Benubird PDF

Benubird PDF is designed specifically for the SOHO market who wish to take control of their documents. It is very powerful -- and easy to use. An intuitive user interface combines comprehensive filters, built in PDF conversion, metadata editing, browsing, and search technology. Benubird PDF is perfect for lawyers, real-estate agents, accountants, even home users who are looking to migrate from a paper-workflow. Mehr…


Use your phone as a Presenter Remote - control your Presentations via Bluetooth. Supports Android, Nokia and BlackBerry phones. Mehr…

DiskInternals Excel Recovery

DiskInternals Excel Recovery is designed specifically to find and recover Microsoft Excel XLS (XLSX)spreadsheets safely and securely, no matter how badly your hard drive or the file system are damaged. If you deleted an XLS or XLSX file, it looks up the file system to find all deleted XLS files, and test each file for successful recovery. If your hard drive crashed or if the file system is corrupt, it scans the hard drive's surface. Mehr…

Lotus Approach Password

Lotus Approach Password by Thegrideon Software allows you to recover passwords which Lotus Approach files (.apr,.apt,.dbf,.db,.vew) are protected with. Lotus Approach Password recover passwords for Lotus Approach users and groups as well. Also recovers dBase/Foxpro (.dbf) and Paradox (.db) passwords for database created in Lotus Approach. Program works with all versions of Lotus Approach files. Mehr…