Josef Stoeckl
The following programmes are presented to you by:
Josef Stoeckl
Kundmanngasse 10/9
1030 Wien
Österreich / Austria
Kundmanngasse 10/9
1030 Wien
Österreich / Austria
info [at] crazybytes [dot] at | |
Phone | 0043-(0)699-10669124 |
Facsimile | 0043-1-7149215 |
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Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source
Crazy Parcels
Version: 2.3 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

This game consists of 4 stacks, which are different in kind and count of pieces. From time to time a new piece is inserted at the bottom of one of the stacks. Take the upmost piece of a stack and put it on top of another stack. Try to bring three identical pieces together. These three will fly away and one piece of a parcel will appear on the right side. If you have managed to finish the parcel on the right, the level is solved. More…
Crazy Pattern
Version: 2.4 | Freeware

The game area is 18x14 matrix. In this area a lot of different symbols are distributed at random. On the right you see a pattern of 3x3. Find a copy of this pattern in the big matrix as fast as you can and mark it with the white frame. Instead of this pattern different symbols will appear. The higher the level the more different symbols will be in the game. To find a pattern will become more and more difficult. More…
Crazy Pegs
Version: 1.2 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

33 pegs are in holes on a cross-shaped gamefield. One hole in the middle is free. Move one peg from one hole to the other in sticking it into an empty hole behind another peg and removing the peg having just been jumped over. In the end only one peg will be left. More…
Crazy Pentomino
Version: 1.3 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

There are twelve ways to combine 5 squares, with the exception of rotations and turn arounds. These twelve ways give the twelve pentominoes. The point of the game is to make copies of given patterns, using the twelve pentominoes. If you succeed to find an unknown solution, your name is inserted in the solution list. More…
Crazy Rotary
Version: 1.6 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

Crazy Rotary is a collection of puzzles, which have one in common: Rotate plates, rings, balls, disks or s.e. and put them in a definite order. You can play the games against the time or just for fun. True color graphics, sound effects, animations and several difficulty-levels make the puzzles again and again to a challenge for all people between 8 and 80. More…
Crazy Sets
Version: 1.7 | Freeware

Logical combination game. You must find three cards in the laying, where shape, quantity, color and filling of the painted symbols are exactly equal or totally different. More…
Crazy Slid
Version: 1.3 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

Crazy Slid is a collection of logic puzzles, which have one in common. Slide baulks, plates, tiles or s.e. and put them in a definite order. You can play the games against the time or just for fun. True color graphics, sound effects, animations and several difficulty-levels make the puzzles again and again to a challenge for all people between 8 and 80. More…
Crazy Stix
Version: 1.1 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

It will be possible to create 55 different figures with the 5 sticks connected together, turned or mirrored figures excluded. The aim of the game is, to re-lay these 55 figures in short time by moving sticks. Choose the figure, you are going to re-lay carefully, because if you move more than one stick, it will be unfavourable for your score. More…
Crazy Strada
Version: 2.3 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

In the beginning it looks easy, but the higher the level the more difficult it becomes. Not only crossings and junctions but also ramps, bridges, subways, railroads, a.s.o. make it not easy to do your job as highway engineer. The roads are of different width. Only if you have used all pieces and it is guaranteed, that no road will end in the green or in the countyside or in the wet, a.s.o. you can start the engine of your car and make a trip. More…
Crazy Sumz
Version: 1.3 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

Crazy Sumz is a collection of four games based on sums and numbers. You turn the Numble-plates to equalize their dots, you look for then Pit-chains, you swap the numbers in the Circum-rings or you try to find out the numerals behind the Symacus-symbols. All exercises you do in the least of time to let your score rise higher and higher. True color graphics, sound effects, animations and several difficulty-levels make the games again and again to a More…
Crazy Tangram
Version: 2.9 | Freeware

Five triangles in 3 different sizes, one square and one rhombus are the seven pieces, every Tangram is consisting of. If you prefer the more figurative Tangrams, like humans, animals, buildings, tools, ..., or the more abstract ones, that's your choice. One is fix, you must always use all seven pieces. It looks easy, but sometimes you will be happy, that there isn't a time limit. It also will happen, that you think, you have done it, but there is More…
Crazy Towers
Version: 1.2 | Freeware

On the 8x8 board bricks and bombs in packages of 1 to 4 are distributed at random. Also you'll find one or more bananas. Right to the board there is a foundation. It will be your job to build a tower there. To be able to build your tower you need bricks, which you find on the board. Bombs logically reduce the height of towers. You can only take bricks, which are inside of the small yellow bar. This bar changes its dirtection after every move. More…