Category Network & Internet / Other (Filter: Demo)
Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Delete filter
Network Chat
Version: 2.61 | Freeware (EUR 8.00)

Network Chat 2.6 is a simple chat program for local area newtorks. It supports up to 8 users, has a list of all current users, emotion buttons, user defined colors and many other functions. English and German language file included. More…
Active LogView
Version: | Shareware (USD 49.00)

Active LogView is a full-featured Web server log analysis program that installs directly on the server. Because the program runs on a Web server, large log files do not have to be downloaded and anyone with a browser can access reports. It can analyze log files from MS IIS and process them at up to 100 Megabytes per minute. The information is presented in easy-to-read lists. Active LogView is small and uses very little resources. It provides analysis of: total requests, unique visits, advanced r More…
Picture of the Day
Version: 2 | Freeware

Do you have a favorite "Picture of the Day" site, such as the many "Cartoon of the Day" or "Babe of the Day" sites? With POTD you can bring those images to your own desktop automatically. At the schedule you set and from the sites that you specify, POTD will collect the images and display them as your desktop wallpaper. A long list of sites are provided as well as the ability to display them as a screen saver. More…
Version: 1.5 | Shareware (EUR 10.00)

LinkDesktop verwaltet Ihre Website-Links (Favoriten) und ermöglicht, die verwalteten Links in bestimmten Zeitabständen automatisch auf Änderungen zu überprüfen. Statten Sie Ihre Favoriten mit ausführlichen Beschreibungen aus und weisen Sie Ihre Links verschiedenen Kategorien zu.
LinkDesktop ermöglicht den Import bereits existierender Favoriten, z.B. aus Microsoft® Internet Explorer®. More…
Extra Dialer Pro
Version: | Shareware (USD 199.00)

Extra Dialer Pro is a powerful program designed for forwarding one voice message to large group of people. The program lets you record your voice message and store it on your PC until it is transmitted. After transmitting your voice message, it can optionaly record a reply from the recipient. Program may be configured to dial at specific time and day of week. Program can be run when windows runs. More…
cFos/Win Professional
Version: 7.21 | Shareware (EUR 9.95)

cFos, Dial-Up & Acceleration with Traffic Shaping. Maximum Download & Minimum Ping. For DSL, ISDN, Cable, Modem, Mobile, Filesharing (P2P), Online Games, VoIP, Streaming Media and Tuning // More features: Free configurable Prioritization - self-calibrating - Layer-7 Analysis - Firewall - optimal Dial-Up connections - WLAN - MTU-Optimization - Online Counter / Budgets, Version for Vista, XP, Win2k, NT, 9x, ME, OS/2, DOS More…
Time Sync Pro
Version: 1.2.8614 | Shareware (USD 14.95)

Time Sync Pro is an application that connects to one of the many atomic clock web servers, downloads the time to your PC and adjusts it. Time Sync Pro has many features including the automatic adjustment of your computer clock. It can automatically update the time every 3 hours. Time Sync Pro minimizes to your system tray, so it's out of your way while you work. More…
Onlineeye Pro
Version: 2.4.0 | Shareware (EUR 19.95)

Onlineeye optimizes PC Internet performance. The real-time Graphic Analyzer separately
measures download and upload speed/time. A zoomable and printable graph shows 24
hours of speed history, allowing you to see what Internet activity took place when you
were away from the computer. The active taskbar icon graphs the current speed. The networkmonitor shows every internetactivity of your DSL connection and let you unmask all spys ! More…
Internet-TV & Radio-Suite Pro
Version: 1.2 | Shareware (EUR 15.00)

Hören oder sehen Sie wo immer und wann immer Sie möchten Ihren Lieblingssender.Betrachten Sie Webcams oder informieren Sie sich über den integrierten Newsticker über aktuelles. Vorraussetzung ist eine schnelle Internetverbindung sowie ein installierter Media- und Realplayer. Komfortable Oberfläche mit vielen Features und Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. Audioaufnahmen direkt in MP3, OggVorbis udg. Frei konfigurierbare Senderlisten und vieles mehr ! More…
cFos XP/2000/2003 Server/NT Professional
Version: 8 | Shareware (EUR 14.90)

cFos, Dial-Up & Acceleration with Traffic Shaping. bandwidth management. Maximum Download & Minimum Ping. For DSL, ISDN, Cable, Modem, Mobile, Filesharing (P2P), Online Games, VoIP, Streaming Media and Tuning. More features: Free configurable Prioritization - self-calibrating - Layer-7 Analysis - Firewall - optimal Dial-Up connections - WLAN - MTU-Optimization - Online Counter / Budgets, Version for XP, Win2k, NT, 9x, ME, OS/2, DOS More…
Version: 2010 | Freeware

HTTP-Webserver für privates Homepage-Hosting oder Bereitstellung großer Dateien. Passwort-geschützte Verzeichnisse möglich, Directory-Listing (Index-Service), partielle Downloads, Dateien bis 2 GB, HTTP-Header-View, Ermittlung der eigenen IP (Weitergabe als Link an Freunde), Chat-Funktion, Webcam-Funktion, schnelle Engine, einfache Bedienung sogar für Einsteiger geeignet, Tray-Icon, Resourcen-schonend. Läuft ohne Installation in jedem Verzeichnis. More…
Webcam and Screen Recorder
Version: 8.1.999 | Shareware (USD 9.95)

Records webcams, full screen or part of the screen to a video file such as AVI and WMV. You can also record sound with the video. Use our Fake webcam to play back those recorded videos on your instant messengers such as Yahoo and MSN. You can also create demos and presentation videos. More…