Category Business / Calculators & Converters (Filter: Full version)
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Doxillion Plus Mac Dokumentkonverter
Version: 2.21 | Shareware

Doxillion ist ein Dokumentkonverter für Mac, um PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF, HTML, WPD, ODT, TXT und weitere Textdokumente umzuwandeln. Konvertieren Sie Dateien einzeln oder viele Dateien auf einmal. Sie können Doxillion auch als Konvertierungsoption in Ihr Rechtsklick-Menü integrieren und so Dokumente schnell in häufig verwendete Formate umwandeln. More…
Doxillion Plus Dokumentkonverter
Version: 11.05 | Shareware (USD 24.99)

Die Doxillion Plus Edition ist ein Converter für Textdokumente. Mit ihm kann man schnell und einfach Dokumente von und in DOC, DOCX, PDF, WPS, Word, HTML, EPUB, MOBI und weitere umwandeln oder mehrere Dokumente gleichzeitig konvertieren. Integrieren Sie Doxillion als Konvertierungsoption in Ihr Rechtsklick-Menü, um Dokumente schnell in viele häufig verwendete Formate umzuwandeln, beispielsweise PDF in Word. More…
Astra R-Nesting
Version: 5.2 | Shareware (USD 600.00)

Astra R-Nesting is nesting software for optimized cutting of particle board, glass and metal. The software enables the user to enter or import information about orders and materials, produces cutting layouts automatically or manually, calculates and saves offcuts, prints cutting layouts and specifications, exports cutting layouts to NC machines, etc. More…
Total CSV Converter
Version: 1.8 | Shareware (USD 39.90)

Total CSV Converter is a reliable tool to convert CSV to DOC, PDF, HTML, TXT, XLS, DBF, XML. Files can be processed in batch, no limitations to a number of files applied. You can select CSV data to convert and skip rows you don't need. The program is very flexible. You may set different delimiters and other conversion parameters. Convert CSV files via command line as well as via user interface. Download your trial version now absolutely free. More…
Anlage- und Tilgungsrechner
Astra S-Nesting
Version: 2.0.0 | Shareware (USD 2,200.00)

Software intended for true shape nesting of sheet materials - metal, fabric, leather, wood, stone, etc. Astra S-Nesting enables users to: - import parts in the DXF format from any CAD system. - automatically nest true shape parts on specified sheets - manually adjust layouts - print reports - output cutting layouts in ISO G-codes, ESSI and DXF formats for CNC cutting machine. More…
Pre-Cut Optimizer
Version: | Shareware (EUR 99.90)

software for pre-cut optimization of bars, integrated parts list, cut list, offcut list, order list More…
Fit Selector
Version: 3.1.2 | Shareware (EUR 19.90)

fit selection according to DIN ISO 286 T2 for nominal dimensions up to 500 mm More…
Mortgage Loan Calculator
Version: 1.1 | Freeware offers powerful calculators to let consumers know what their loans will cost them before they sign on the dotted line. Featuring property tax, insurance, and PMI, MLCalc's mortgage/loan calculators deliver the bottom line on several types of loans and display attractive, easy-to-understand amortization schedules. Using this simple copy-and-paste widget, webmasters can offer MLCalc's features to their site's visitors. More…
Version: 1 | Freeware

Alterseinkünfterechner 1.0 ist ein Javascript/HTML Tool für Versicherungsmakler die ein Alterseinkünfterechner für kunden anbieten möchten. More…
DIN 276 Konverter
Version: 2022 | Shareware (EUR 99.00)

In the DIN 276 converter there are tables for HOAI-based cost calculation: Fee invoices by age HOAI (before HOAI 2009) are often not verifiable. The main reason is that this version of the HOAI refers (fees for architects and engineers) to the old DIN to determine the construction costs. Architects who charge by the HOAI before 2009 are, on the one hand requires the construction costs according to the current edition of DIN to create 276. More…